Will you be okay?

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A/N: Guys~ Do you miss me? Did you go to my profile to check why I was away?
I am better now. It hurts but life must go on. I hope it won't happen to any of the stars you chase cause it freaking hurts. ╥﹏╥

I'm back now to my ff world. I hope I won't get any more bad news in the future.

I'm sorry for making you wait (if you waited).

Love you guys! Mua!


Yang Yu Teng had no idea how he spent half of his day at work. Planting his chin on his palm, he let his mind bring him elsewhere, not realizing he had been that way for half an hour, stared by every soul walking into that teachers room. If he had been more conscious of his surrounding, he would probably be hurt with the look he got from his colleagues but luckily, he was out of it since the night before.

"Yu Teng. Yu Teng.. Yu Teng!" that last high-pitched call and the book smack on his table finally drew his attention outside of his own bubble of thoughts.

Chih Tian side eyed his friend before pulling his chair close to get into one of his tattle sessions going. Yang Yu Teng was still not paying attention to him, he could see the man playing with his own fingers on the table, looking awfully serene even with the background chatters mocking him in the most part.

"You didn't talk much at breakfast," Chih Tian raised a brow. He remembered their breakfast; Sam talking business, all serious while he pretending to understand everything while Ray and Yang Yu Teng focused on eating, barely talking. Ray had always been a man of few words but Yang Yu Teng, he was surprised the man wasn't even mad when he broke one of their glasses earlier. "Did you guys fight yesterday, again?"

"No, we—" Yang Yu Teng answered halfway but his voice came out croaky and thick, which caught even himself by surprise. Right, that's the reason he hadn't been talking since the morning.

Chih Tian's eyes narrowed, before slowly pushing the water bottle on Yang Yu Teng's table towards the man and then a knowing smirk surfaced; a long sleeves turtleneck on his friend- a give away.

"You guys fought in bed, huh.." he pulled his face into one of his ugly smug and continued, "See? I told you I'd help you."

Slowly, Yang Yu Teng drank his water and side glanced his over-attentive friend. Rubbing his jaw with a pained face just made his friend more intrigued. He didn't have the energy to speak but his face was well full of annoyance now.

"I told Sam that some of the teachers have been hitting on you," Chih Tian chuckled, obvious that he's proud of his 'help'. Yang Yu Teng on the other hand, just rolled his eyes and watched the wall on the clock moves, painfully slow. He just wanted to go home and rest, and maybe call Sam to see if the man is still mad. Surely he wouldn't be, after last night, right?

But.. they didn't do much talking so barely anything was resolved.

Chih Tian flicked his fingers once and twice in front of his seemingly lost friend, half-worried. "Did you lose your memory again?" he placed the back of his palm on Yang Yu Teng's forehead but the man wasn't feverish. "I'm starting to wonder just how great the sex is..."

"You won't get to know," he finally spoke, looking at the watch his husband gave him as if that would make the time go faster.

"Are you showing off now?"

Yang Yu Teng raised her brow and showed an almost smirk. It's good to see his friend irked for once.

"Anyway, I think you should hire some pest control service for your house."

Yang Yu Teng raised his brow. Is this man talking about Little Prince? Calling the cat a pest would not sit well with Sam, he snickered.

"Before bed last night, I opened the window and heard some weird noises from upstairs," Chih Tian looked up to the window above the entrance, trying to put the noises he heard in words and brushing off the fact that he himself had an eventful night. "Bats! Yes, I think it's a bat. It keeps on screeching and mewling you know? Didn't you hear it too?"

"Mmm," Yang Yu Teng shifted his eyes. Sam used to tell him that all the rooms were sound-proofed so it couldn't be him, he convinced himself.

Chih Tian then continued, "But when I think about it again, it sounds like...."

"What?" Yang Yu Teng swallowed.

"A porcupine? It moans and whines." Chih Tian nodded, hiding his smirk behind his small lips. "Yes, porcupines."


"But it sounds eerily familiar the voice," Chih Tian wasn't planning to stop there. He wasn't that innocent to think that the sound he heard came from animals though it sure did resemble one. "What do you think?"

"Uhh..," Yang Yu Teng remembered then, he did found himself spread against the balcony rail trying to mum his pain and pleasure afraid their two guests would hear him and with every thrust that seems to be accompanied with some kind of resents; deep and harsh— he was truly fucked out of his wits and must've made some questionable noises. What kind of soundproofing would the balcony have?

Nevermind he didn't lose his memory this time, but the look on Sam's face and the eyes that were forcing him to obey; he...loved it? Angry sex is kinda fun he guessed.

Two knocks came to his table, "The principal wants to see you," alongside an obvious scoff from a female teacher he probably only talked to in meetings.

"Ignore her," Chih Tian advised, right after he made an animal like hiss to shoo the teacher away. As compared to how Yang Yu Teng took it when Sam's news hit the internet and general public, he could see the man handled it calmer this time, almost unaffected by the whispers and dirt thrown at him for being a 'cheater'.

Yang Yu Teng nodded, stretched his neck and jaw again before giving his friend a smile. He was somewhat relieved the other teacher saved him from continuing the uncomfortable conversation with Chih Tian. And all the scornful remarks that would've hurt him, he didn't hear them that much with his mind wandering to the night before every so often.

He was already standing in front of the principal office and the end of his thoughts, knocking on it and heard a hoarse voice calling him to come in.

"Mr. Chen," he greeted before taking a seat. The older man he usually sees in meetings and weekly assembly was friendly and usually all smiley but the hesitance in his face at that time was apparent.

It took a few minutes before Mr. Chen finally went straight to his main point, which was to ask Yang Yu Teng to take unpaid leaves until he settled his 'problems'.

"It is with very heavy heart I'm asking you to do this. Some parents have found out that you are teaching here and has called for your dismissal, afraid that you might, mm, teach the student some bad things.., I mean, it's just temporary."

Yang Yu Teng nodded, feeling bad that the school is now in a pickle because of him. "I understand," he replied, trying to smile. He gazed upon his shaking hands on his laps and again eyed the ticking on his wrist. "Then, can I take the rest of the day off?"

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