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The next day felt interminably long for Bucky. Ally didn't want to come out of her room, had been restlessly wandering around all night, and was getting quieter and quieter. Every time he tried to get close to her in some way to comfort her, she pulled back a little further from him. She refused to eat anything, yet threw up several times, which caused Bucky even more concern. Clark had stopped by at noon to check on her, but was unable to help because the problem was not Ally's health but her condition. Clark spoke encouragement to Bucky not to give up because he was the only one who could get Ally out of this situation.Bucky had just nodded silently. He would not give up, he loved Ally and wanted nothing more than for her to get better.

From Sam, who visited Bucky earlier in the evening, he learned that Karpov had not yet said a word, only asked for a lawyer to arrive the next day, so they had to put him in one of the more comfortable cells. Sam also asked Bucky if he didn't want to rest for a few hours and he should stay with Ally until then, but Bucky declined. He didn't want it to come across to Ally as if he had too much of her, as if he was annoyed and needed some time off.

Eventually, Sam did pull him out of the room. Bucky protested, but Sam didn't let up and said that he was worried about him and that Bucky should take care of himself for once and not just Ally. Sharon would stay with Ally until then, and Ally might benefit from a little girl talk. Meanwhile, another agent would be in charge of Karpov and would question him until he finally said something.

Sam sent Bucky to his room for a shower, and as the water splashed down on Bucky, he noticed the tension cramping his whole body. All his muscles ached, his head throbbed, and his eyes burned with fatigue. he had been so worried about Ally that he hadn't even realized it was breaking him himself. When he got out of the shower, he felt a little better. His muscles had relaxed a little, but as soon as he lay down on Sam's bed, fatigue overcame him and from the exhaustion of the last 24 hours, he fell asleep.

He slept for over three hours before he got up and stretched. His headache was gone, his eyes felt normal again and it felt like the heavy vest that was on his shoulder and cramping his body had lightened a few pounds. He decided to eat a snack before checking on Ally, because his stomach was making itself known.

Surprisingly, it wasn't Sharon who was with Ally as he had expected, but Sam, who had sat down on the chair by the desk and seemed to be reading something while Ally lay on the bed sleeping. Bucky was about to open his mouth when Sam spotted him and put his finger to his lips, signaling Bucky to be quiet. He got up from his chair and gestured for Bucky to follow him outside.

"How did you get her to sleep?" Bucky asked in surprise as Sam quietly closed the door to the room behind them. "Sharon kept talking at her until Ally ate something, Sharon apparently having to force her to eat the whole apple before giving her several sleeping pills and putting Ally down. She had been asleep for over an hour now. Sharon had to go back downstairs to clear up a few things before Karpov's lawyer comes tomorrow" Sam explained. "So you guys have been feeding her so many pills that she's actually in a coma? Are you sure she's even alive?" Bucky asked indignantly. "Calm down, Bucky. I know this whole thing is really straining your nerves and you're just worried about Ally, but we asked Clark specifically how many pills we could give her as a maximum and we haven't even gotten to the maximum."

Bucky sighed. "Still, I don't think it's good that Ally can only sleep on pills" Sam nodded and puts a hand on his shoulder encouragingly. "The last few days haven't been easy for either of you, Bucky. Just like you, she just needs sleep to get back on her feet faster. You just need a break from worrying all the time and monitoring Ally, and Ally, well, she needs pills. But it doesn't matter how, Bucky. It's more important that you both get your sleep, by any means available to us" Bucky nodded. "You're probably right" he tried to give a brave smile to Sam, who squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. 

During the night, Bucky woke up to the sound of vomiting from the bathroom and immediately jumped out of bed to rush to Ally, who was hanging over the toilet and throwing up. He immediately took off the hair she was holding back for herself and stroked her back. Silently and helplessly, he tried to comfort her as Ally shook more violently after each gag.

After freshening up, she came back out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh, brushing her hair out of her face and turning to Bucky, who was already back in bed. "Must have been too many pills after all, sorry you woke up" she didn't even try to smile at him, knowing how ridiculous that was going to look. "It's no big deal" Bucky looked at her lovingly, which immediately made Ally feel guilty. He had been so caring, protective and patient with her, even though she eluded him all the time, barely exchanging a word and finding herself the most exhausting and annoying person when another sobbing attack came over her.

But Bucky, he still didn't leave her alone, tried his best when she cried again, held her hair back each time, made sure she wasn't miserable. He had been there for her in the last few hours like no one else. She wished someone like Bucky had cared for her like that after her parents' accident, maybe everything would have been a tiny bit more bearable. And although she was grateful that he was there, she also knew that she definitely didn't deserve it.  


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