326 🩺 Home Sweet Home

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Left alone with Yunho, he couldn't help choking on an embarrassed laugh as he used the cloth Joong had left with him to wipe away his tears. 'I promise I'm not usually like this,' he whispered.

Yunho's lips pulled into a small smile as he exhaled. 'I believe you,' he replied simply; his deep voice incredibly soft and tender. Reaching up, he rested his hand on his knee, something that was strange and foreign to Yeosang, but one that comforted him nonetheless...

Two moments later however, keys in the door sounded, and realising it was past two o'clock, Yeosang's eyes widened. Wooyoung would be getting home from work and would see him in a mess...

He didn't want him to worry...

Glancing around in a panic, he happened to notice Yunho analysing him for a moment, before his dark eyes scanned the room too. Finding a box of tissues on the coffee table, he leant back and retrieved it, before offering them to him, to which he gladly accepted.

Plucking a few from the box, he wiped his face and his eyes, trying to pull himself together.

And as the door swung open, he turned, sniffing and putting on a brave smile. 

But to Yeosang's surprise, San had been the one to open the door. He held the door open and glanced beside him fondly, and as Wooyoung surfaced, San put an arm around his back as he led him inside out of the cold.

But as San looked up, he seemed to jolt a little in surprise. 'Yun? You look... more put together than when I last saw you... What're you doing her... Oh Sang...'

The emotion in his voice instantly sparked Wooyoung's worried attention from where he'd been taking his shoes off, and the instant they met his, the blonde's lungs deflated.

He hurried to his side, and Yeosang tried to keep himself together as he suddenly felt very watched.

'Woo, sweetie, Hyung's fine.'

Wooyoung's eyes filled with tears as he sat on his knees in front of him, reaching up to try and cradle his face in his hands.

But Yeosang just hushed him, passing it off as no big deal. He couldn't handle seeing him in pain as well. His home, was where his happiness came from. And it couldn't be happy, when Wooyoung was tearing up.

'Woo it's fine. I cried a little. But of all people, Yunho came to save me.'

Smoky, sparkling eyes studied him, looking for the truth in his words. But after a moment he glanced up at Yunho, who had moved to stand off to the side.

And those unfamiliar dark eyes glanced at Yeosang for a moment, clearly flashing back to when his 'little cry,' had left him a wreck in the street. But alas, he gave Wooyoung a small nod, and a smile to go with it.

And Wooyoung peeled himself off of the floor and threw himself into his arms.

Yunho's eyes widened as he stared down at the blonde head of hair pressed against his chest, and with his arms held up out of the way, he gave Wooyoung the most awkward of pats on the back that Yeosang had ever seen.

And like a miracle, it made him laugh. Giggling through his tears, he watched the uncomfortable scene before him as Wooyoung smothered the poor thing with love and gratitude, and Yunho stared between him, Wooyoung, San, and even Hongjoong as he resurfaced with a much craved bottle of painkillers.

'Thank you,' Wooyoung mumbled into the boy's chest. 'Thank you... Thank you... Thank you, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou...'

As much as it melted his heart to see his brother so protective over him, he stood and walked over to the two, peeling Wooyoung from Yunho's body. 'Woo, hun, you're spooking the poor man.'

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