"I'll be home before you know it." I told her just before the waiter our food soon came and we both ate in a comfortable silence, I kept stealing glances at her whilst we both ate. Once we were finished and paid, we made our way to Lizzie's House. When we got there it was dark. As soon as we walked into the living room I saw that everyone was here from the Marvel cast and friends and family. I hadn't really met her family yet so this is going to be nerve wracking. So I turned to look at lizzie who had a smile on her face looking for my reaction.

"you did this?" I said as a smile grew on my face.

"yeah, I figured we all wanted to say goodbye before you left." She told me as I walked over to her and pulled her into a gentle kiss.

"you are amazing. I love you" I told her as we pulled away.

"I love you too. Also my family is here and I figured they would like to meet you before you go." She told me with a smirk.

"Oh god. I'm so nervous" I whispered as I look around at all the people.

"it's OK they're gonna love you baby" she said as she giggled at my reaction.

As the little party started everyone started to split off into there own little groups while Lizzie dragged me over to her family.

"this is my mum, dad, Ashley and of course you've met MK." She said as she shot a glare towards MK which made her laugh.

"It's nice to meet you." I said as I shook their hands.

"it's nice to finally meet the person who's put the smile back on Lizzies face" her mum said as she smiled at her daughter.

"well she deserves it. I'm glad that I get to make her happy." I told her with a smile as lizzie wrapped her arms around my bicep.

"it's nice to officially meet you while I'm not getting kicked out" MK said as she shook my hand with a smirk.

"Oh my god, it was one of our early dates and it wasn't official then" Lizzie said as she playfully punched her shoulder.

"yeah whatever. The moment you started to get nervous about going out with him I knew it wouldn't be long" MK said with a giggle.

"yeah whatever" lizzie said as she flipped her off.

"so I hear you in the military?" Her dad asked me which I started to get nervous.

"yes sir." I answered him with a smile.

"please call me David. How long have you been in the army" he asked as we both left the girls to and get a beer.

"10/11 years now. Been doing it since I left school." I told him as I took a sip of my drink.

"I admire that. But I just wanted to make sure that you won't hurt Lizzie. She's my baby girl and I would do anything for her" he said with a small smile on her face.

"I would never hurt her David. She means everything to me." I told him with a sincere look.

"good, at least I won't have to beat your ass yet." He said making us both laugh.

Lizzie's pov

As Y/N and my dad were talking we let them be, because knowing my dad he will say something embarrassing.

"how have you guys been?" I asked my mum and the twins with a soft smile.

"we've been great baby. The twins are only staying here until Thursday so they decided to crash the house." Mum said making us both laugh.

"well it saves us from staying at a hotel and we get home cooked meals" Ashley said with a cheeky smirk.

"That is true because we've missed you're cooking" MK said as she put her arms around mums shoulders.

"of course its just the cooking you've missed and not your mum. Lizzie you will have to come and have dinner with us in the week after Y/Ns left" mum said with a gentle smile.

"I will mum. I will be there after work on Tuesday." I told her as I finished the last of my wine.

"are you taking Y/N to the base tomorrow?" Ashley asked me with a soft smile.

"yeah I am. I want to say a proper goodbye and see him off" I told them as I got myself another drink.

"are you gonna be OK doing that on your own?" MK asked as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"yes I will be fine, I'll probably cry but I know he's going to come back to me." I told her with a sad smile.

"you really love him dont you" mum said as she looked at me with a bright smile.

"yeah I do, more than anything. I know it's going to be hard but we're going to make it work." I told her as I had a sip of my drink.

"Thats good baby." Mum said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"look they're laughing with each other. Dad seems to like him which is good news." MK pointed out making us all look in their direction.

"it is good. I was nervous about him meeting dad because he's probably gave him the "you hurt her I hurt you" speech" I said with a bright smile as I watched them both.

"yeah he does that with all of you, but he never actually follows through with it. He just wants to scare them." Mum said making us all laugh.

"are his family here aswell." Ashley asked as she looked over the crowd of other people.

"no, his brother couldn't make it and he doesn't talk to his parents" I told her as I was still watching Y/N.

"why is that?" Mum asked as she rested her hand on my arm.

"I'm not entirely sure what happened between them he hasn't told me about it yet and I dont want to push him into it either." I told them with a small smile.

"where is he from exactly?" Mum asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"well grew up in Chicago and moved here after he joined the army to be near his best friend from his unit." I told them with a smile.

"thats nice. I'm really happy for you Lizzie, you've got yourself a gooden" mum said as she gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"thank you" I replied as i gave her a soft smile.

We spent the rest of the day just talking and laughing with everyone. They all said goodbye to Y/N before they had to leave, and before we knew it, it was just us left in the house. He pulled me in for a hug and I just held on to him tightly afraid to let go. When we broke apart he went into his pocket and pulled out a key and put it in my hand. I just looked at him with confusion on my face.

"its the key to my place. I figured you would like to have one since I know you're probably going to steal most of my clothes anyway" he said with a chuckle.

"thank you baby. And I'm going to ignore the last comment even though I know it's true" I told him as I gave him a soft kiss.

"thank you for today love. I really enjoyed it. It was what I needed to say goodbye to everyone." He said as he held me close to him.

"I'm glad baby. I'm happy I've got you all to myself now though." I said as I looked up into his eyes.

"come on let's go and cuddle." He said with a big smile on his face as he picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. We spent the rest of the night just talking and cuddling, not really wanting this moment to end but eventually reality will set in and he will have to leave in the morning and I'm not sure how hard it is really going to be.

Come Home To Me (Elizabeth Olsen X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon