Lizzie: thank you. So I'll see you on Saturday

Y/N: I was thinking if you wanted to go out again sometime this week before Saturday if you're free.

Lizzie: yeah I have a half day on Wednesday if you want to pop round and I can show how to cook something other than pasta

Y/N: Yeah that would be great. What time should I be there.

Lizzie: you can pop around at 6pm if you'd like.

Y/N: sounds like a plan, I'll bring your dress with me as well

Lizzie: thank you, I'll see you Wednesday

After I had finished text Y/N, I looked a scarlett who was just looking at me with a smirk.

"why are you looking at me like that" I asked her with a confused look on my face.

"all through texting him you had this goofy smile on your face" she said while smiling at me.

"ok and?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"you really like him dont you?" She asked as she rested her hand on my shoulder with a gentle smile.

"yeah I reaally do." I told her while trying to hide my blushing state.

"I can see that. Well we best get going to set." She told while standing up holding out her hand to help me which I happily took.

We both left my trailer and made our way over to hair and make up. The rest of the day went fairly easy. I was actually happy for the first time in a long time.

Y/N pov

After texting Lizzie I couldn't help the smile that was on my face. I really hope that this relationship will last but I know that not everyone is into relationships that are quite uncertain. Especially if there is always the possibility that you might not make it home. I decided to go and see Jamie after he finished his classes. So I waited for him outside of his last class to go and grab a coffee with him.

"Hey Jamie, how would you like to come and grab a coffee with me." I asked as he finally reached me.

"Yeah that sounds great especially if its your treat" he said while he nudged my shoulder with his

"of course its my treat. I just want to spend some time with my lil bro." I told him as we both just laughed.

"ok then lead the way" he said as we both started walking to where I parked my car.

We both walked over to my car to make our way to the diner that I know he loves. We both head in and sit down and order.

"so how's college going?" I asked him as we were waiting for our orders.

"It's going great. But why did you really want to see me" he asked my with a curious look on his face

"I can't come and hang out with my brother without there being a reason" I asked him slightly offended as I leaned back in my seat just staring at him.

"Yeah you can, but there's always a reason behind it." He told me with a fake smile.

"honestly, I just wanted to spend some more time with you before you leave for break." I told him with a sincere look in my eyes.

"well why don't you come with me? We can go see mum and dad together." He asked me with a small smile. Thankfully our orders came before I could answer.

"you know I can't do that. You know dad hates me" I told while taking a sip of my drink.

"Yeah but mum doesn't. She's been asking about you every time she phones" he told me with a hint of irritation in his voice.

"but she gave up on me when dad decided I wasn't good enough" I told him while I just watched him scoff in disbelief.

"Oh come on you know they still care about you" he told me while raising his voice slightly

"no I'm not having this conversation with you right now. You didn't tell them where I live did you." I asked him while I crossed my arms over my chest looking him in the eyes while waiting for his answer.

"no, they just know that you live in LA, just not your exact address. You do know you will have to see them at my graduation right." He told me returning the eye contact.

"I know. I'm coming home for that. But I'm going there for you not them." I told him while taking another sip of my drink.

"Ok then. So how long are going to be gone this time" he asked me while changing the subject.

"Only 3 months this time, then I'll be home." I told him with a small smile.

"That's good. Well I'm leaving to go to home in 2 weeks anyway so we can do something more fun next time" he told me while he finished the last of his drink.

"Yeah we definitely can, I'll drive you to the airport though" I told him trying to ease some of the tension.

"that would be great. Well we should get going now, I've got early classes in the morning" he said as he started gathering his things.

"Alright then let me just pay for this and I'll meet you at the car" I said while I watched as Jamie left to go and wait at the car. I just sat there for a moment processing the conversation we just had especially when it comes to our parents. I do miss my mum but I'm still not ready to forgive her yet. So I paid for our food and made my out to the car were Jamie was waiting. The car ride was awkward after we hung out, neither of us wanted to be the first to start a conversation. Before we knew it I pulled up outside his dorm and we bid awkward goodbyes. Before I started my journey home, I pulled out my phone to ring the one person who I really needed to talk to.

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