"That's good. We will have to go out for dinner while your both here." I suggested with a smile.

"Yeah we would like that. Your filming all next week aren't you?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows trying to work something out.

"Yeah I am. So what other plansndo you guys have while your here?" I asked with a gentle smile

"Well were gonna go see mum tomorrow and I'm not too sure for the rest of the week. So how about we go for dinner tonight? I'll let Ashley know to make sure she's up ready for it?" She asked as she got her phone out ready to call Ashley

I knew she would say something like that, since she knows the weekends are my free time to do whatever.

"I can't tonight. I have plans with a friend" I said as I looked away from her

"So who is this friend? Are they from work?" She asked with a smirk knowing she's onto something.

"No they're not. You don't know them. Thank god" I said as I whispered that last bit under my breath.

"So is this a date type Friend?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Really? Can't.you just let it go with the teasing?" I said with a huff

"Noooo, I can't do that" she said with a chuckle

"You're a jerk you know that." I sent her a glare

"Oh yeah I know. So who is it?" She asked with a smirk

"Well were going out tonight. And you are definitely not going to meet them" I told her as I pointed my finger in her face only for her to slap it away.

"Aww come on. What time are you going so I know when to get our of your hair" she asked with a smile

"Well he's picking me up at 7"Oh shit. Fuck. Now I'm mentally kicking myself while she's got a mischievous smirk on her face knowing what she was doing worked.

"Oooh so it's a date then" she said with a smirk knowing she got what she wanted out of me.

"Yes it is. Can you please not mention it to Ashley or mum." I begged her, having her know was bad enough, the three of them would never let me hear the end of it

"Ok I won't mention it to then. But come on tell me what he's like? How many dates have you been on?" She asked practically on the edge of her seat.

"Well tonight will be pur third date. I really like him. So please just don't mention anything to anyone." I pleaded with her just as she smirked at me

"What's his name?" She asked with a smile

"Y/N. We met at a club 2 weeks ago andnwe just started talking. The best part is that he didn't treat me like I'm famous. He just treated me like I'm an average person." I said with a bright smile just talking about him

"So did he not even recognise you from anything?" She asked confused

"No, he doesn't watch  alot of TV. He doesn't get much time for tv" I told her with a smile.

"So what does he do for work. He must have a busy job if he doesn't have much time for TV." She asked with a confused look on her face

"He's in the army. Hes on leave for 2 months, but I just dont want to jump in head first and get my heart broken again" I told her with a sad smile.

"Well what does he make you feel when your with him?" She asked me with a gentle smile.

"Well I honestly don't know how to describe it. It's like he sees me for me and not for what I do as a living. Its just I forget that I'm Elizabeth Olsen the celebrity and I'm just Lizzie when im with him" I say with a bright smile on my face.

"Well isn't it worth seeing where it goes then. You never know until you try" she tells me as she takes a hold of my hand.

"I know. I'm just so nervous, I honestly enjoy being around him." I tell her honestly with a small smile.

"Well that's good, just have to trust  your heart and not let your anxiety get the better of you" she told me with a reassuring smile.

"I know. Its just hard sometimes." I told her as I look down at the floor.

"Well talk to him about it.im sure he will be understanding about it." She told me whilst giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah you're right." I told her while facing her.

"I know. I'm always right" she said as she playfully nudged my side

"Yeah whatever. With the size of your ego I'm surprised you managed to fit through my front door" I told her with a chuckle.

"Well what are you wearing tonight? I can help you if you like." She asked with pleading eyes.

"Im not sure. But it would he good to get some help. I'm just so nervous and I dont know what to wear." I told her with a nervous chuckle.

"Well then, let's go and see your options and we shall see what we come up with." She said as she started pulling me towards my room.

"Well lead the way" I said sarcastically.

We both made it through to my bedroom and as she was making her way though my closet, I looked over a the clock to see how much time I had left, and realised that it was 5.15pm. Oh shit. I'm gonna have to get rid of her soon. I don't want her to scare him off.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, MK decided to settle on an black dress that stops at the mid thigh and some black ankle boots with a silver zip. And she practically push me to the bathroom to get a shower and start to get ready.

After I had finished with getting ready it was 6.45pm. God I am so nervous.

"Well dont you look stunning" she said with a big smile.

"Thank you for helping me. I probably would've still been looking for something to wear by now." I told her with a small giggle.

"Well he should be here soon. Have you got everything?" She asked me with a smile

"Yes I have. Thank you again" I told her while giving her a hug.

"Well make sure that I get to meet him soon" she said with a smirk pulling out of the hug.

"I will do. I'll see you tomorrow at mums" I told while.pushing her towards the front door.

And as u was trying to usher her out of my apartment, there was a knock on the door. As I opened the door I saw that he was dressed in a light blue dress shirt and black chinos with his black loafers


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