Chapter 38 - Left alone

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My eyes widened.

"What?!" I asked, taken aback. I felt a little pain in my jaw, but I had to ask, I was shocked.

"Yeah... Turned out the girl we took was their leader's daughter and she came to get her back. The good news is that they had Luke and Alden, so we made a trade.

I couldn't say a god damn word, I was so shocked. Jesus continued.

"Yep. Daryl and Henry weren't happy. Enid was, though. So she might not come today. She asked me to check on you, but I also promised you that I'll come, so here I am," he said smiling. I smiled too.

"I'm glad Alden's fine. Enid must be so relieved."

"Yes, she is really happy."

"What about Henry and Daryl?"

"I think Henry has a crush on the girl and he argued with Daryl about giving her back. You know, her mother beats her. I'm not happy about it either, but what can we do? We can't risk our community and people's lives for a stranger."

"You're absolutely right. Maybe Henry's just blinded by love."


"Best time to be bedridden," I sighed.

"There's no right time for that. Anyway, how are you feeling?"

"Fine. Enid gives me a lot of painkillers, so it doesn't hurt that much. My jaw hurts a little sometimes, but it's getting better. I'm so glad you could find those painkillers when you went out. I don't know how would I be able to manage without them."

"I'm glad too, but you shouldn't talk so much just yet."

"It's harder to stay silent."

"There's a woman, who came with the newcomers, Connie, she can't speak, nor hear. We can't even imagine how someone can live like that until we have a little experience like this," said Jesus, I think he was just thinking out loud, but I was surprised.

"Oh my god... I won't complain about this ever again. She must be a badass woman."

Jesus smiled, then we fell silent for a moment. He took off his huge coat, threw it on the other bed, and sat next to it. He looked at me again. I turned my face towards him.

"So you know my secret now. About Negan. I'd like to ask you something."

"Yeah, go on."

"What's up with you and Aaron? I have a good eye for... things," I said with an impish smile. I saw his whole face turn red.

"Nothing," he said, laughing nervously.

"Oh, come on. It's crystal clear that you two have feelings for each other. Don't deny it."

"Alright, but Aaron lives in Alexandria and he went back. And now with the skins around, he can't sneak out anymore, he has a daughter, he can't risk his life."

"Now that you mention it, he was already here when I got here."

"Yeah, he used to sneak out to chat with me and to train together."

"I see."

Jesus' face went a little red.

"He asked me to teach him some moves."

"Yeah, you're really good at it. When we were at the cemetery, I was just speechless. I don't know anything like that."

"I can train you too if you are completely healed."

I fell in love with the devil |The Walking Dead| NeganxOC |CarolxDarylHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin