Chapter 91: Van Helsing Battle (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Batman used his cape to stun at Van Helsing making him dizzy. Batman punched Van Helsing multiple times per second and kicked him away while taking away his dagger and breaking it. Van Helsing yelled as he jumped high to attack Batman.

Batman grabbed his Explosive Gel and sprayed it on the floor in a circle. Batman detonated the gel as it left a huge deep whole on the ground dragging Batman down with Van Helsing.

Dracula, Martha, and Mavis were left at the cave and wanted to follow Batman down at the whole.

Before they could even act, the three vampires were suddenly knocked out unconscious as if someone hit them on their head.

As the Dracula, Martha, and Mavis laid on the ground unconscious, a small group of thugs somehow sneak inside the cave and knocked the vampires out with their an old baseball bat.

(thug): We got them boss. Just like what you wanted.

JOKER: (*cough) Good... get them in the van before anyone sees you...

Meanwhile through the tunnels underneath Lycidias' cave, Batman was able to escape Van Helsing from his sight.

Batman ran through the tunnels while using his gauntlet showing a virtual map of the tunnels that leads him to the Batcave as a shortcut. He wanted to make sure that Van Helsing would chase him to the Batcave.

While running through the tunnels and facing a few challenging obstacles, Batman communicated with Alfred through his earpiece.

BATMAN: Alfred...

ALFRED: Johnathan, what happened? I couldn't reach to you earlier. Have you Drac, Martha, and Mavis yet?

BATMAN: They're fine. I'm on way to the Batcave. Make sure the machine is prep when I lure Van Helsing to it.

ALFRED: Good luck, Johnny.

After a few minutes of running, Batman was almost near at the Batcave but the only problem is that Van Helsing was able to catch him as he grabbed Batman by the neck.

VAN HELSING/LYCIDIAS: Nowhere left to run, little Bat!

As he held Batman by the neck, Van Helsing smashed his back against the wall multiple times until it cracked a huge whole leading them directly to the Batcave.

As Batman fell on ground to recover, Van Helsing got the chance to glance around the Batcave.

VAN HELSING/LYCIDIAS: Impressive dwelling. It shall be your tomb.

Alfred then appeared holding a crossbow loaded with an anti-vampire dart to rescue Batman from Van Helsing.

AFLRED: Bite this!

Alfred fired the weapon as the anti-dart directly injected on Van Helsing's neck. Van Helsing screamed and soon laughed removing the dart from his neck. Alfred gasped in shock.

VAN HELSING/LYCIDIAS: (*laugh) Oh, Alfred. You were always a pathetic fool! The anti-darts might work on Dracula and the others but it has no affect on me!

Van Helsing raised his hand and smacked Alfred to the ground unconscious.

Batman clenched his teeth in anger after he saw Van Helsing hurt Alfred. Batman got back on his feet and grappled up on high ground.

VAN HELSING/LYCIDIAS: That's right, Johnny. Run like a coward. I will find you eventually.

Van Helsing levitated himself and saw Batman right in front of him. Behind Batman was the machine that he has been working on against Van Helsing.

BATMAN: Rise and shine...

Batman activated the machine that collects solar energy to emit pure sunlight. Van Helsing screamed in pain and was sent against the wall. The sunlight was burning the skin of Van Helsing.

Even though Batman was standing in front of the machine and was now a pure vampire, his Batsuit was able to protect him from the sunlight. Batman extended his cape in the shape of a bat casting a shadow.


BATMAN: I'm the Batman..... and your dust.

Batman grappled up while the sunlight burned down Van Helsing. While Van Helsing was beginning to disintegrate to dust, Batman drops down and gave one last punch at Van Helsing to the ground.

Batman quickly turned off the machine before also disintegrate into dust. Van Helsing's entire body turned into ashes since he already sold his soul and humanity to Lycidias Dracula. There was nothing left to the both of them.

Batman sighed in relief knowing that the nightmare is all over. Alfred woke up and saw that Batman won the fight. He also noticed that his skin became pale and fangs can bee seen on his teeth.

ALFRED: Johnathan... are you...

BATMAN: It's a long story, Al. I'll tell you later.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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