Chapter 73: Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning

ROBIN: Let's see; Mavis and Johnny have gone missing, check but not good. Lunatics running around lose, check but not great too. Taking down an entire militia army all by myself, definitely bad. Yeah, this is going to be harder than I thought.

ALFRED: According through the reports, Johnny was last seen in Blackgate Prison to save Mavis. She was with Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight when they've released all of the inmates.

ROBIN: Have you tried locking on Johnny's tracker?

ALFRED: I'm trying to get a lock on his signal but something interfering with the Batcomputer. I'm worried about them.

ROBIN: Don't worry, Al. We'll help them once we found them.

While talking to Alfred, something cut off their communication. The next thing that Robin was a voice of a female.

ROBIN: What the heck?

BARBARA: Hello... Robin? Can... can you hear me?

Robin widened his eyes in shock to hear an unfamiliar voice coming from his communication broadcast.

ROBIN: Who is this?

BARBARA: This is Barbara Gordon. Sorry for hacking into your comms, but I didn't hear anything before I called. I swear!

ROBIN: Gordon? The commissioner's kid? How did you get this frequency?

BARBARA: Computers are my specialties, actually. Anyway, I wanna help you find Batman. Only if you promise that you'll help me find my dad, too. The police said that it's Batman's fault that my father's been kidnapped. Honestly, I know he wouldn't let that happen.

ROBIN: How are you going to help me anyway?

BARBARA: Well I can see on my screen that there's some sort of disruptor interfering your signal. If you can trace the signal, it'll lead you to the location of the jammer. All you have to do is to destroy it.

ROBIN: Got it. I'll mark it on my map. Thank you.

BARBARA: My pleasure. Just promise you'll find my dad.

ROBIN: Don't worry, Barbara. I'll find them both. I'll let you know when something comes up.

BARBARA: Hey. If I'm ever needed in the field for like intel or something, could I have like a code name? I like the name 'Oracle'.

Robin felt skeptical about involving Barbara Gordon in his mission. He didn't want to risk an innocent's life in harm's way. Saved by the bell, Robin heard a noise nearby as if someone was watching him.

ROBIN: Uh, Barb.... I mean, 'Oracle'. I'm gonna have to call you back....

Robin ended his call with Barbara and slowly reached to his utility belt. Robin grab a Batarang and quickly turns around preparing to throw it. Robin immediately lowered his weapon when the realized the familiar figure who was watching him.

DRACULA: Whoa! Take it easy, kid! I'm not here to hurt you.

ROBIN: Dracula?!

It didn't took long for Dracula to discover the true identity of Robin, especially he has a closer look of the boy who Johnny hangs out with time to time.

DRACULA: Wait a second.... Richard? You're Robin?!

Robin widened his eyes in shock after Dracula found out his secret identity. He heard what happened to Johnny back at the hotel so he eventually lowered his head and shoulder in defeat.

ROBIN: (*sigh) Drac, what are you doing here?

DRACULA: What else do you think I'm doing here? I'm looking for my Mavy-Wavy and Johnathan!

ROBIN: You and me both.

DRACULA: Do you know where my daughter and Johnny are? Tell me immediately!

Dracula demanded the young man the answer like Robin was being interrogated even though they're in the same side.

ROBIN: Drac, calm down. We both want the same thing, alright. All I know is that Van Helsing and Arkham Knight took Mavis with them at Blackgate Prison. Johnny followed them to save her but I couldn't contact him ever since.

DRACULA: Can you find them?

ROBIN: Maybe. I can trace Johnny's tracker in his suit to lead us to him and Mavis but something is interfering with the signal. Luckily I have lead on where that interference is coming from. We just need to follow it.

DRACULA: Then we must move quickly! Not a moment to waste!

Dracula transformed back into his bat form leaving Robin on top of that rooftop even though he had no idea where they're going.

ROBIN: Hey, wait! You don't know where it is!

Robin yelled out as he used his Grapnel Gun to catch up with Dracula while using his gauntlet to trace the signal of the jammer device.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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