Take care

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Chapter 123:

At the time of the day, Khanna Mansion is shown where Avneil were standing by hugging each other. Avni breaks the hug they look at each other and smiles.

Neil: did you finish your cereal?

Avni shook her head and Neil gives her a stern look.

Avni: wo actually, you were angry with me so, I was not liking that.

Neil smiles.

Nei: ok now everything is sorted so, come finish it.

Avni nods and turns. Neil was about to take a step but he feels dizzy and catches his head, Avni turns.

Avni: Neil!

Avni holds him.

Neil's eyes were closed. First, he came from the office after the tiring day and then Avni's condition he took care of her last night, he did not sleep which affects his health.

Avni: what happened?

Neil: I am feeling my head heavy.

Avni: what? OK, come, come sit here.

Avni keeps his arm on her shoulder and gives him support she takes him to the bed, Neil also tried to walk and not put his wait on Avni but he was feeling like the earth is shaking so he can't walk properly. Avni makes him sit.

Avni: do you want water?

Neil: no, I am feeling nauseous and vomiting.

Avni: you are feeling it because of head-spinning I think it is because of not sleeping properly. You did not sleep last night right?

Neil opens his eyes narrowed and looks up but again makes his head down as he was feeling low.

Neil: no, nothing is like that.

Avni: don't lie I know that. OK leave it, for now, we will talk later. First, eat something then have medicine and sleep you will feel better.

Neil nods.

Avni in mind: Avni, you are responsible for his condition how can you be so irresponsible he was awake the whole night just because of you. You played with your health and also make him ill. I am so bad, I hate myself.

Avni looks at Neil she sets the pillows and makes him rest his back. Avni goes to sit on the other side and picks the bowl and passes the bowl.

Avni: have it.

Neil: no, you finish it I will have something else.

Avni warned him: Neilll.

Neil looks at her she feeds him he knows she will not listen so, he eats then he takes the spoon from her and feeds her, Avni smiles to see his care. They feed each other then Avni gives him medicine.

Avni: now take a rest.

Neil looks at her. Avni sighs him to lay his head on her lap, Neil smiles and lays. Avni pressed his head slowly soon Neil sleeps. Avni caresses his hairs and kisses his head and again caresses his hairs.

Avni: you are the best thing that happened in my life.

Avni noticed his pale face and her eyes filled with tears.

Avni: I am sorry.

Avni wipes her tears and again kisses his head. She was adoring sleeping Neil then she hears a knock on the door which was open she looks there and saw Prakash. Avni wanted to get up but Neil was sleeping she looks at Neil then at Prakash then again at Neil then at Prakash. Prakash signs sit.

Prakash: sit, sit.

Avni was feeling awkward.

Prakash: Shweta told me that you are unwell so, I came to know about your health.

Avni: I am fine papa, but Neil is unwell he has a headache so, he can't come to the office today.

Prakash: it's ok. I understand. Let him sleep and you also take care of yourself, ok. I am going, ok.

Avni nods. Prakash keeps the hand on her head which a girl always value. Avni smiles and looks at Prakash he smiles and goes from there. Avni was looking at him then she looks at Neil who turns his side to her belly and Avni closes her eyes and keeps the hand on Neil's back because Neil's warm breathe was blowing on her belly and torturing her, Neil was in sleep he hugs her waist and moves close to her belly and his nose touched her belly, Neil rubs his face to her thigh and belly as like he was feeling itching on his face because of sweat and rubbing his face with the pillow but he does not know that he is giving sweet tortures to Avni. Avni squeezed her eyes she can't even wake up Neil she moves her hand to his shoulder and tightens the grip, Neil stir, Avni looks at him and caresses his hairs and Neil turns his side to the other side. Avni took a deep breath and wipes her upper lips. She looks at Neil and blushes to think that how much Neil's closeness affect her.

After two hours, Neil wakes up and saw Avni is reading a novel he frowns and looks here and there and realised that he is sleeping in Avni's lap.

Neil: Avni.

Neil sits and Avni looks at him.

Avni: you awake, how are you now?

Neil: I am fine but why you did not wake up me your legs must be aching.

Avni: relax Neil, I am fine.

Neil: I am so sorry, Avni I slept here and...

Avni: Neil, please.

Neil looks at her.

Avni: if someone has to say sorry then it should be me because of me you suffered.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: no, Avni nothing is like that. I am your husband and it is my duty and your right that I take care of you in your illness.

Avni: then, all the duties are applicable on you only, I don't have any responsibilities? I am your wife if your duty is taking care of me then it is also my duty too.

Neil was looking at her.

Avni: you woke up for me the whole night and made me lay on your lap if I did that then you are saying sorry.

Neil feels bad and cups her face.

Neil: no Avni, I was worried for you that's why I said that. You had stomach pain last time that's why I said that and you have equal right in our relationship and you know that. Please forgive me, my intention was not to hurt you.

Avni: I know that but please Neil, don't say sorry for everything I feel good when I do something for you.

Neil: ok, from now I will not forbid you. I promise.

Avni smiles.

Neil: how are you now?

Avni: fine, mummy Ji gave me medicine also.

Neil: good.

Avni smiles.

Avni: you are ok now?

Neil: yaa feeling much better.

Avni: good.

Neil smiles then he recalls something and looks at Avni.

Neil: ab, Avni, I want to tell you something.

Avni was looking at him and Neil gets nervous which makes Avni confuses she was looking at Neil and waits for him to say something.

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