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Chapter 103:

Change is the only constant thing. We can not say when what will happen. Like it's saying, this time will also pass.

Neil was waiting for Avni because she went to change he was worried and can't wait any more so he went to the door and knocked that.

Neil: Avni, are you ok?

Neil hears her voice: yes, I am fine, just two minutes.

Neil: ok.

Neil went away and runs the hand in his hairs, after few minutes Avni came back, Neil turns. Avni smiles to see him, Neil also smiles.

Avneil lays on the bed but Avni's shoulder and shoulder blade was paining she was not able to sleep properly she was trying to set her position so she can sleep and Neil was looking at her.

Neil: it's paining?

Avni looks at him and signs yes.

Avni: yes.

Neil keeps the pillow between them Avni stops to see that.

Neil: lay on your stomach by hugging it you will feel good.

Avni looks at the pillow; Neil noticed that.

Neil: I can make you sleep in my arms but I am afraid what if I hurt you that's why I gave you this pillow.

Avni looks at him.

Avni: are you a mind reader or face reader?

Neil smiles.

Neil: you can say face reader but I am a heart reader. Yours is to me so it tells me everything about you.

Avni smiles.

Neil: ok now sleep it's too late.

Avni in mind: how can I sleep when this wall is between us. I can sleep with pain but this...

Neil: it's just a matter of few days.

Avni looks at him.

Neil: I also can't sleep away from you but it's for your safety.

Neil chuckles to see Avni's expression.

Avni in mind: now I am not going to think anything; Avni you are still thinking, uff, close your eyes and sleep.

Avni close her eyes, Neil chuckles to see her he slides to her and keeps the hand on Avni's hand both were laying by hugging the same pillow, Neil kiss Avni's head she smiles with closed eyes.

Neil whispers: how can I let my wife's sleep to sacrifice.

Avni smiles with closed eyes, Neil smiles to see her.

Neil holds Avni's hand he kisses her hand and looks at Avni whose eyes are closed and she is blushing.

Neil in mind: now everything is fine, no not fine it is more than fine, in fact beautiful. I wish our relationship will always be like this and never lose its innocence. Our relationship speciality is its innocence which makes it beautiful.

Neil smiles.

Avni opens her eyes and they look at each other with so much love.

The next day, Avni was getting ready and Neil was looking at her by sitting on the bed, he was admiring her he offered her help but she said she will do that herself so he sits and looks at her.

Avni gets ready and turns to him they smile to see each other.

Avni: let's go.

Neil: one minute.

Avni frown, Neil get up he goes to the cupboard and Avni is looking at him then he came to her, Neil came to her and make her wear two bangles, Avni look at him, Neil smiles to see her he was standing by holding Avni's hand and look at her hands.

Neil: I love to see them in your hands, I love their sound, especially when these are in your hands.

Avni smiles, Neil kiss the bangles and Avni blush but Neil's phone rings.

Neil: one minute.

Avni nods and Neil goes to get his phone from the bed, Neil talks on the bed and Avni waits for his call to end.

Avni feels bore she wants to go downstairs she is hungry, Avni was about to call him but she stops and thinks she shakes her arms and makes the sound of bangles, Neil turns to her, Avni points at the clock and Neil saw the time he looks at Avni she signs she is hungry, Neil signs one minute and again he talks on the phone, Avni grins her teeth and going from there but Neil holds her wrist, Avni turns to him and Neil smiles to see her angry face.

Neil: ok, Mr Sinha. I will send you the files... ok fine.

Neil cuts the call and looks at Avni.

Neil: where were you going?

Avni didn't reply she folds her arms and looks away, Neil widens his eyes.

Neil: angry hmm.

Avni replies by making the sound of her bangles, Neil smiles.

Neil: this much anger.

Avni again does the same.

Neil: hmmm.

Neil holds his ears and said sorry.

Avni saw him from the corner of the eyes, Neil can't help and smiles at her cute antics. Avni turns to go but Neil hold her wrist and pull her back to him, Avni looks at him astonishingly, Neil is smiling to see her.

Neil: now forgive me, love.

Avni was surprised to hear the love word and her cheeks betrayed her they turn red, Avni looks down and Neil loves her more and more by seeing her shyness he always finds her different from others and she is different.

Neil cup her face and Avni didn't dare to look up.

Neil: look at me, wifey.

But she didn't look up, Neil kisses her forehead.

Neil: I love you.

Avni blushes harder.

Neil: don't you want to say anything.

Avni shook her head, Neil smiles he caress her cheeks and Avni was looking down.

Neil: Avni, I am dying to hear those magical words. Please, say them. Me and you, we both know you also feel for me.

Avni was looking down she was feeling shy and saying those three magical words is like climbing Mount Everest to her.

Neil kisses her forehead.

Neil: it's ok. Come let's go for breakfast, mom and Bebe must be waiting for us.

Avni looks at him, Neil smiles and goes to the mirror he brushes his hairs and Avni is looking at him.

Avni in mind: Avni, you made him sad how can you do that...but, what I do, I can't say those words.

Avni is looking at Neil who turns and comes to her.

Neil: don't think too much, I am ok. I believe in my love, I know you will soon confess your love.

Avni is looking at him Neil smiles to see her and to make her feel good he kisses her forehead which always gives peace to Avni, she smiles and Avneil look at each other.

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