Court's hearing part 02

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Chapter 109:

A huge building is shown and people were going and coming from that. Inside it, people were sitting and Avni was standing on the witness box she looks in the people side where Neil and family were sitting, Neil sign all the best.

Avni's lawyer: your honour, Mr Raghav Khuranna is a demon in human disguise we don't know how many innocent lives he has ruined till now and one of them is my client Avni Neil Khanna.

Avneil were looking at him.

Lawyer: he had a bad eye on my client when she was a kid, not only this but he tried to molest her that time, fortunately, he didn't get succeeded, but he didn't refrain and again tried to misbehave with my client, he tried to rape her.

Avni looks down.

Lawyer: I want to show some proves if you permit.

Judge: permission granted.

Lawyer plays the video, Avneil and family looks down because they can't see that again, Raghu thinks.

After that:

Lawyer: After that, we don't need any proof, it's clear that he tried to molest her, I appeal to the court that, give him a hard punishment which sets an example for others.

The lawyer sits on his chair and Raghav's lawyer comes.

Lawyer: my friend did an amazing speech but sadly It was based on a lie, a complete lie.

Neil frown and Avni was hurt.

Lawyer: the allegations which they imposed on my client are false.

Avni's lawyer gets up.

Avni's Lawyer: you mean to say this video is also a lie?

Lawyer 2: yes it is.

Avneil and their family shocked.

Avni's Lawyer: what rubbish?

Lawyer: yes your honour, it was wrong, no video is right but not completely I mean to say they temper the video.

Avneil shocked.

Lawyer: I can prove it. Number one: at the beginning, the lights went off so we don't down who was that person.

Avni's Lawyer: it is his voice.

Lawyer: your honour, dubbing voice is not a big thing nowadays so this point is useless.

Avneil shocked and looks at each other; Raghav smirk.

Lawyer: number two, my client was not in his sense that time and they took the advantage of it.

Avneil shocked.

Lawyer gives a report which proves Raghu consumed Alcohol.

Lawyer: this report proves that my client was not in senses, now I want to come to the point that is his drink was spiked and those who did that were Mr Neil Khanna and his wife.

Avneil shocked.

Lawyer: you think, your honour that how they get to know that my client will try to molest Mrs Khanna.

Availwere tensed and not be able to believe that how can someone stoop so low, Raghu was smirking.

Lawyer: It was their plan as my client is a rich and successful businessman they know he is alone so they did all this planning to get his property so they will become more powerful.

Avni: it's a lie.

Lawyer: relax, Mrs Khanna I will come to you, we will talk so relax.

Avni looks at Neil he signs relax, Avni sighs.

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