Good news or bad news

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Chapter 141:

A hospital had shown where Khanna family and Mehta family was standing. Neil was very tensed. A doctor comes there.

Doctor: did you complete the formalities?

Neil nods.

The nurse comes there.

Nurse: sign these papers.

Neil: I complete all formalities.

Nurse: This is NOC you will agree that if something happens to the patient then the hospital will not be responsible for that.

Neil shocked. He understands it is a part of the procedure but his heart breaks to hear that. Neil takes the papers and his hands were shaking.

Doctor: relax, everything will be fine.

Neil nods and signs the papers. The nurse goes after taking the papers.

Doctor: don't worry. I will try my best.

Neil nods.

Neil: please save them.

Doctor: I will try.

She goes and Neil prays.

Neil waits for the good news and was tensed he was standing against the wall by closing his eyes he hears the sound of opening the door he looks there and stands straight. He saw the nurse.

Nurse: The doctor is calling you inside please come fast.

Neil looks at his family and Prakash keeps the hand on his shoulder. He instantly goes and saw the curtain. The doctor comes there.

Doctor: Mr Khanna, Avni's blood pressure had dropped down and the baby is also in danger.

She told him the issue.

Neil shocked.

Doctor: We can save only one of them. If we save Avni then she will not be able to conceive again.

Neil felt like the earth is shaking under his feet.

Doctor: You have to make the decision fast we don't have much time. Please take the decision fast.

Neil was in a dilemma his eyes were teary.

Neil whispers: how can I?

Doctor: please Mr Khanna we don't have much time.

Avni's words were echoing in his ears he gets flashes of their happy moment since Avni's pregnancy.

Doctor: Mr Khanna.

Neil looks at her and said with an emotionless face.

Neil: save Avni.

The doctor smiles she nods and goes. Neil was standing there. He goes out and falls on his knees. All shocked to see him and comes to him. Shweta sits and cups his face.

Shweta: what happened?

Neil looks at her.

Neil: my child.

All shocked.

Shweta hugs him he cries.

Neil: I am a bad father I killed my child. I am a bad father.

All cries.

Later, Neil was standing against the wall and his eyes were closed. His face was pale it is like someone had sucked all his blood, his all energy.

Suddenly, he hears the sound of the crying of the baby. Neil stands straight and smiles with teary eyes.

Neil: my baby.

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