Revelation of truth

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Chapter 86:

Neil brought Avni to the hall where all were sitting and aman was standing there neela maa and ashish were sitting together and baba prakash and bebe were sitting together Avni look at all and by seeing her parents her eyes filled with tears she looks down Neil made Avni sit and turns to go she hold his hand and look at him she totally depend on him the person whom she thought is like raghav and had lust on her now she can't live without him he is her strength.

Neil: I am just coming.

Avni shook her head Neil sighs.

Neil: aman can you bring water please.

Aman nods.

Shweta: aman you stay here I am going.

Aman: ok.

Aman look at avni who was looking at him he want to talk to her but he thought to give her time Neil sit with avni there was a pin drop silence Shweta came and kept the tray of  glasses on the table avni was looking down and rubbing her hands in nervousness.

Neil: Avni.

She look at him he nods say but she was nervous it was very difficult for her to say her dreadful past.

Avni: I was seven years old when I got to know about his true intentions mamma taught me the difference between good and bad touch after that I saw his demon side.

Avni stop and recall that day Neil keep the hand on her hand.

Nm: Avni why you didn't tell us?

Avni look at her and her throat was paining because she was trying to control her emotions but she failed to control the tears rolls from her eyes she sobbed badly.

Avni: I I tri tried ma mammma but no no one tru tru trust me pa pa papa wa wa was th there bu bu but he he di didn't didn't be be be li be lieve m me.

Avni was  sobbing badly ashish palm his head and cries loudly avni was crying badly Neil keep the hand on her hand and squeeze her hand and Neil take a glass and make her drink he keep the glass neela maa ashish were also crying avni close her eyes and took a deep breathe.

Neil: are you ok?

Avni nods and sobs.

Neil: tell them the truth avni.

Avni look at him and her eyes were teary and red he wipe her tears and nods yes avni sobbed and nods.

Avni: first time when I felt his tou touching me with ba bad intentions I fought and told papa but he.

Avni stop.

Avni whipsers: but he didn't believe me.

Avni cries aman shockingly look at his father he didn't know about that and ashish was crying and say i am sorry I am sorry I am sorry. He was guilty that he didn't believe her because more than raghav he is responsible for avni's suffering if he believes her and took action then Raghav never get the courage to enter in avni's room, molesting her is far away.

Neil wanted to console him but he knew avni need him also he feels bad to see ashish.

Nm: why you didn't tell me?

Neil: she told you neela maa but you didn't believe her.

Neela maa frown.

Nm: when?

Avni: when in front of papa he did that and I fought after that I told you and you you was convinced but pa papa said; I over reacted he was there and and that demon didn't do anything bad.

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