Red Cheeks

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Chapter 114:

In the morning time, the plants and flowers were looking beautiful in the soft shine of the sun and Avni was standing in the garden by hiding her face in her hands she was feeling shy because the first time she kissed Neil's cheek she keeps the hand on her heart which was beating with the velocity of light and her eyes were closed.

Avni: calm down, it's ok you kissed your husband.

Suddenly Avni opened her eyes wide.

Avni: I kissed him!

Avni palms her head.

Avni: oh no.

Avni looked worried.

Avni: How will I face him now...Avni what you did? how can you do such a big blunder?

Avni thinks.

Avni: but he deserves love he waited a lot for me, for my love he gave me complete freedom, gave me my time so what's wrong if I do something to make him good.

Avni thinks.

Avni: nothing is wrong with it but what he thinks about me I know he will not misunderstand the things but how will I go in front of him my these cheeks always betrays me and turns red to see him. What do I do?

Avni bits her nails.

On the other side, Neil was looking himself in the mirror and smiling, he looks himself one last time and set his hairs with a hairbrush and smile was sticked on his face he turns to the door but no sign of Avni he smiles and keeps the brush on the table.

Neil: don't know where she hides?

Neil chuckles.

In the dining area, Bebe was sitting and Shweta kept the bowl on the table and to the surprise, Prakash was also present there. Neil comes and wishes them morning. Trio replied, Neil sits and look around for Avni but she was nowhere.

Neil: mom, where is Avni?

Shweta: she is in the kitchen.

Neil: oh ok.

Shweta: oh I forgot to bring the juice.

Shweta was about to go.

Neil: mom!

She stopped.

Neil: you sit, I am going.

Shweta understands and said ok.

Neil smiles and goes, Shweta sits and was smiling.

Bebe: what happened why are you smiling?

Shweta: Bebe, I think something had happen. When I went to the kitchen Avni was smiling and when I asked her she said nothing but her cheeks were red as a tomato.

Trio smiles.

Shweta: I am sure something had happen between them that's why she was blushing.

Bebe: now Avni got justice I just wish that now no more trouble will come in their life they faced a lot at this young age. Neil's accident, Avni's case, their health issues now I just want to see them happy.

Shweta nods.

On the other side, Neil came to the kitchen and faced Avni's back he cleared his throat and Avni alerts. Neil saw the jug near her, Avni did not turn to him she bits her lip because of nervousness, Neil goes to her and stand behind her, Avni's tried to stop her breath, Neil leans to her and his chest touches her back, Avni closes her eyes, Neil saw her and smiles he leans to her ear.

Neil whispers: I am waiting for you in the dining area, come fast.

Neil kisses her cheek, Avni widens her eyes; Neil smiles he picks the jug and moves back he was smiling he went from there. Avni saw from the corner of her eyes then she turns back and signs by keeping her hand on the slab and second on her heart. Avni opens her eyes and blushes hard.

On the other side, Neil keeps the jug on the table and sits, everyone noticed his smile and looked at each other they smile.

Bebe: someone is looking happy what's the matter.

Neil looks at her and smiles by looking down. All smiles and chews the food. Neil looks for Avni and waits for her then Avni comes but her eyes were sticked to the floor she comes to Neil and sits, Neil smiles but did not turn to her he did not want to embarrass her in front of all they had breakfast.

Neil: ok, so I am going, dad you?

Prakash: I will directly go to Mehta industries I have to discuss with Ashish about some clauses.

Neil: ok.

Neil gets up and goes but his car keys left on the table.

Avni heard Neil shouts her name: Avni, Avni, Avni I forgot my car keys on the table please bring them.

Avni saw the keys and looks at all they were looking at her but when she looked at them they look into their plate. Avni picks the keys and goes out where Neil was waiting for her and smiling he desperately left his keys. Neil turns to hear the sound of footstep he smiles to see her, Avni looks at him then she looks down and passes the keys. Neil takes them from her.

Neil: thank you.

Avni was looking down; Neil shook his head he moves to her and cups her face.

Neil: Avni.

Avni looks at him then again she looks down. Neil smiles.

Neil: Avni, you don't need to look down you did not do anything wrong.

Avni smiles, Neil kisses her forehead.

Neil: bye and yes when I come back I want my Avni back who talk to me freely, hmm.

Avni smiles, Neil sighs he moves to his car and opens it he gets into his car. Avni looks at him.

Avni: Neil!

Neil looks at her.

Avni: drive safely.

Neil smiles and nods he blink his eyes to assure her that he will take care of him.

Avni smiles and Neil starts the car and goes from there. Avni smiles to see him going she hits her head.

Avni: stupid, you were worrying without any reason. Neil will never misunderstand you, for him your happiness matters only.

Avni smiles.

On the other side, Neil was sitting in the cabin he smiles to think about Avni and their moments then he heard a knock on the door.

Neil: come in.

Someone entered the cabin and Neil smiles to see him.

Neil: kk.

Kk smiles and comes to him they hug eachother.

Neil: how are you?

Kk: I am fine how are you, bro?

Neil: good. Sit.

Kk: yaa.

Kk goes to the other side.

In the evening, Neil entered the room and saw Avni is reading a book and sipping coffee, Neil smiles to see her as she was looking cute in the glasses which she only wears while reading the book, Avni feels his presence and looks at him.

Avni: you came?

Neil: yaa.

Avni remove her glasses and her eyes fall on Neil's hand she frowns to see a shopping bag in Neil's hand she looks at Neil who was looking at his hands then he looks at Avni and smiles and Avni was looking at him confusingly.

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