Am I an Idiot?

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The forty something people, most of it seemed to be well acquainted with each other were either seating and gossiping on the chairs wrapped in pure white coverings or were standing on the side, holding a glass of wine in their hands and their phone in another, probably updating their social medias or just feigning importance out of awkwardness. At least, that was what Yang Yu Teng thought of the well-dressed people he had watched from behind a coconut tree since a couple of hours ago.

The sun was still bright when he arrived and now that the orange had tinted the sky, his legs was sore from standing and he could really use a sip of the wine the rich people was drinking nonstop. He wiped the sweat on his forehead using the sleeve of the suit that could cost him his kidney and squinted his eyes at the man in a light grey tailored suit walking into the scene, occasionally stopping to offer his handshakes to the guests there. The man stood at the end of a laid out wooden platform of a few inches thick and talked to the other man already standing at the centre there.

Adding to the distance between them and the darkening sky, the man's face was not that clear but he did not need to see to know that the man is Lin Zi Hong or Sam, the man soon to be married to the daughter of the second richest man in Taiwan, second only to Sam's father afterall. Can you imagine the uproar the two families caused when the marriage was announced? Maybe that's why they chose to get married outside of Taiwan, on the beach of Phra Nang to be exact. They weren't kidding when they say Thailand is ruthless for its summer heat all year long, but the pearly white sands and the clear blue water made it all better, except for Yang Yu Teng of course. Admiring the view was a privilege he did not and did not care to have.

His sleepy head went awake as he heard the music started, and the announcement of the bride's arrival was made clear. As guests started to take their seats, and the bride stood there at the end of the heavily decorated road to marriage bliss, Yu also made his way to the crowd at the back. He grabbed a drink from a waiter and drank everything in one gulp as he wriggle himself through the crowds of wealthy people which apparently, weren't wealthy enough to get a seat like the others.

The bride, a petite woman called Sun Ke Fang was the only daughter of the prominent yet humble family of the Sun Group and so she was loved by many. She walked down the aisle with the accompaniment of a live orchestra and the majestic sunset by the beach. Beautiful was an understatement, she, Yang Yu Teng thought, could have been easily mistaken as an angel descending from heaven. As his eyes followed the bride laugh and sheepish smile, he couldn't help but also stared at the groom. The man, compared to the pictures he saw on the internet, was indeed good looking. He was well-built and tall, his smile could easily melt the heart of any lassie. The girls standing near him at the back had already melted, he believed, from the not-so-subtle coos and wees.

The officiator was taking too long, Yang Yu Teng thought, but marriage is supposed to last a lifetime, so what if the officiator was a bit talkative, right? He laughed when the guests laughed at the occasional witty remarks from the officiator and stayed quiet when he was supposed to. It was really a beautiful evening, the kind that would be a conversation starter for the girls and bragging prompt for the others.

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

No one talked. Of course, asking that was just formalities, most of the time.

"Great, now we can—"

"Wait!" Yang Yu Teng raised his hand straight and wiped the smile on his face. He had long since ditched the empty glass of wine. As he walked towards the bride and groom, all eyes were on him. It was silent, absolute silence. He swallowed and straightened his suit as he took a deep breath.

"You can't marry her, Zi Hong!"

It was still silent. His face was met with a rather confused expression by both the groom and the bride.

"Who are you? – Guards! Take this man!" It was the voice of the groom's father, Mr. Lin that broke the awkward silence.

Yang Yu Teng didn't bother to look at the man sitting in the most front row on the left side and just fixed his gaze on the man, on Sam. He wasn't worried, the guards were not coming, he knew.

"How could you, Zi Hong? After everything we did! How could you leave me? When did you ever like girls? You.. You promised you'd marry me!" Yu broke into a loud cry as he dropped himself healvily onto the white sands, squeezing his eyes hard for tears, failing miserably so.

"Sam! What is he saying!?" It was Mr. Sun's turned to be mad. He was mad at the humiliation he and his daughter received more than anything else.

"Dad! Pa! This is a scam! I don't know that guy!" Lin Zi Hong was frantic. He tightened the grip he had on his fiancé.

"Sam.. Is.. Is this true?" The bride stuttered in her words, her eyes were already breaming in tears.

"Qinai de**.. It's not true. Believe me, I don't know this man." Sam turned and pointed his hand towards the man currently ruining his life, "You! Who are you!? What are you trying to pull here?! Speak the truth!"

Yu slid his hand inside the pocket of his suit and took out a white envelope. He walked a few steps and gave the envelope to Sam's father while still maintaining his heartbroken face. The other guests, including Mr. Sun walked over to look at the content.

"I love you Zi Hong. We have gone through so much together, I thought you would fight for us, I never thought I'd found you here, marrying someone else, on my birthday no less. How could you..."

"What..What is this Sam!" Mr. Sun shouted. Mr. Lin already slumped back down on his chair, his hand crumpling one of the pictures he took out from envelope. It was pictures of Sam and a bunch of other girls and guys doing more than just kissing.

Ke Fang couldn't hold in her tears. She looked into Sam's eyes with a betrayed expression, "Sam.. I trusted you.." she cried, before she ran away from the watchful eyes, her mom following right behind, too shocked to say anything.

Mr. Sun gritted his teeth, veins visible on his neck as he yelled out, "This wedding is cancelled!"


** Qinai de = a form of endearment, equivalent to dear/darling

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