Chapter 72: The Killing Joke

Start from the beginning

Jeannie laughed as she held her husband's hand to ease his worries, and it did. The man calmly smiled at his wife.

JEANNIE: (*laugh) Honey, don't worry. I still love you. Job or no job. You're good in the sack... and you know how to make me laugh.

The next day....
The man headed on an old indoor diner where he met up with his 2 'friends' to have a couple of drinks and ate shrimps. His 2 friends were planning a big heist soon that he wants to get involved in order to provide his wife's needs for their unborn baby.

(???): You see, I have to prove myself. As a husband and a father. I wouldn't be doing this sort of thing if it wasn't important. I used to work as a lab assistant and I quit to become a comedian. I wanted to make people laugh because when they laugh, they feel good. But it turns out, they didn't laugh. So if I just do this big score....

(man 1): (*whisper) Hey! Jeez, man. Be cool.

His friend silenced in case the crowd of people might hear their entire conversation.

(???): Sorry. I don't usually drink lunchtimes. You're sure we can get away with this thing and that nobody will know I was involved?

(man 2): Don't worry, friend. We'll take care of you. We need your help getting through that chemical plant you used to work and the Playing Card Company next door. We really appreciate your expertise.

(man 1): To absolutely guarantee nobody connects you with the robbery... you'll be wearing this.

His friend grabbed the box that he brought with him and opened it. Inside the box was a red dome helmet and a red cape.

(???): Wearing? But there aren't any eye-slits. I won't be able to see.

(man 1): There's two red two-way mirror glass lenses set into it. Pretty smart stuff, right?

(???): I've seen that mask from the papers. That belonged to the Red Hood! He raided that ice company last month.

(man 2): Smarten up. There ain't no 'Red Hood'. They're just a bunch of guys in a mask.

(man 1): Right! We just let the most valued member of the mob to wear it for additional anonymity. That's you, man.

(???): I don't know. That chemical plant is so grim and ugly. That's partly why I quit.

(man 2): Listen, do you want to raise your kid in poverty?

(???): No, of course not! I mean, it's just this once, then I can switch neighborhoods and start a proper life.

(man 2): So next Friday night, at 11:00pm. See you there, friend?

Before the man could answer his friend, he look down at his drink seeing his reflection on it. He his reflection smile.

(???): Sure. Starting Saturday morning, I'll be rich. I can't imagine my life's going to be completely changed! Nothing's going to be the same... not ever again.

The next few days....
The man had a very bad day in his entire life. Earlier this morning, his pregnant died in a terrible accident. She was testing a baby-bottle heater that sent an electrical shortage.

After his wife died, the man wanted to back out from their heist. Jeannie was dead. There's no reason anymore. Unfortunately, his friends weren't happy about the man's decision. They threatened to kill him if didn't cooperate or if he calls the authorities. He had no other choice but to get the job done.

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