Part 55 - Baby Blue's

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A/N: First of all, sorry for the wait, I didn't get right into the story for some time. And I had to take care of my personal life a little too, because, well, 'certain things' have to be tried and confirmed, before I write them down ;-) Anyway, I hope you can enjoy this part and I am looking forward to the upcoming ones, as I eventually know where it's headed next. I don't mind constructive critics by the way. I sometimes feel, that people don't dare to say the slightest negative thing, because they have been attacked for it already, despite they meant well. I would love to be reminded of mistakes(grammar or story), thank you!

Hélène's first night was long and sleepless. Despite Gabriel's attempts, to calm his daughter down, so his wife could get some sleep, Nathalie woke up each time from her baby girl's cries.

"Coffee?", she asked him with a yawn, after she had taken a look out of the window, noticing that the sun was rising already.

"Shall I go and get you some? You should still hold back on the caffeine though!", he suggested, as he looked at their child.

But Nathalie shook her head.

"I'll go and make some. Maybe she will calm down, when we walk around a little bit", she said with a quiet voice, to not scare her child again, as she accidentally did the day before, "you should try to get a little rest too, Honey. It's really nice, that you stayed awake the whole night, but, as I woke up anyway, you should've slept a little too"

She kissed his lips very softly, while she held the newborn in a upright position, the tiny head resting on her shoulder.

Hélène was calm now, but fully awake and as soon, as Nathalie stopped walking or rocking her softly, she started to fuzz.

Gabriel grabbed her tenderly around the waist and pulled her closer, taking care to not hurt their little girl of course, and deepened that kiss. Then he kissed Hélène's head very gently.

"Just take it slow, my love. I would rather let you stay in bed and bring that coffee to you. You are aware, that there are still people in that house, who are getting paid to do stuff like that? Why don't you just try and enjoy to be married to a famous and wealthy man. Even if you usually don't like ordering people around for yourself. I remember slightly, how pissed you were, when I didn't let 'you' do 'your' work", he tried to convince her.

Nathalie simply smiled at him, to then tell him with a sweet voice:

"You, my dear husband, are hopefully aware, that they won't begin to work for at least another hour. Have a look at the time!"

Gasping he noticed, that it was only half past six AM.

"Well, looks like summer is approaching fast. I would have thought, it was much later. Would you mind, if I tagged along? I know, I worry too much, but...", he brushed a few loose strands of her fringe, that was by now only a little pinkish-red from the middle to the tips, behind her ear. After he kept staring into her eyes for some time, he smiled sheepishly and kissed her forehead, then laid both arms protectively around his wife and newborn daughter.

Nathalie started to giggle when she saw him acting like this. Despite being thankful and overjoyed for the way he cared, she couldn't help but tease him a little bit.

"You know, now that you already offered to tag along, I do need someone to help me, carry back the mugs anyway! So, as you wanted me to order someone around...", she blatantly joked.

Gabriel snickered.

"I'd love to, my dear!"

Now the young mother glanced towards the bathroom, then blushed as she faced her husband with a request, that still made her a bit uncomfortable:

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