Ryujin X Yeji - Dance (smut)

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POV | Ryujin

(Edited 3/7/2023)

It was summer and I hadn't been in any sports at all this year. Therefore, I got an ultimatum from my parents. They said if I didn't find something to do which could be sports/camps/etc. then I would have to start paying rent to live in their house. I mean who does that to their kid? I'm only 17.

So.. anyways I picked this dance camp that barely even struck my interest. I just did it because I didn't want to have to pay rent. I didn't have the money for one, and I didn't have time to work at a job. (I just didn't want to have a job, honestly) I saw the flyer one day so I just decided to sign up for it. I could get away from my parents and whenever that's possible, I will take it.

My parents always say I need to make friends/be social with people.


I am not making friends with anyone.

I hate all people.

Expect maybe my grandma... but that's it!

Today was the day I was gonna head to the dance camp for two and a half weeks. I was so fucking excited just to get away.

"We love you!" My mom and dad gave me hugs as I left.

I grumbled, grabbing my bag, "Whatever, piece of shits." I said as I got in my car, driving off.

It was an hour away so I listened to my music while driving.

As soon as I got there, they made everyone say their name and age, but of course I didn't pay attention. I would rather go chase ducks than do this.

"You're Ryujin right?" A girl came up to me.

"What do you want?" I said with an attitude.

"W-well we're roommates so..."

I huffed, storming off to the teacher, "I thought you said I could have a solo room!"

The teacher said, "We ran out. Too many kids signed up. You'll have space."

I clenched my fists, walking back to the girl. "Move back dumb shit."

She moved away, letting me grab my bag. "I have a name." The girl said, walking with me to the dorms.

"I didn't ask." I shot a glare.

"Why are you so rude?"

I put the key in the dorm, grunting, "Because that's how I am."

The girl sighed, walking in with me.

"What in this place? It stinks." I complained, "There's one bed?! Are you fucking kidding me?!"

She caressed my arm, "Calm down... I can sleep on the floor if you want... and it's not a bad room, Ryujin. I've seen worse."

I looked her up and down, "Don't use my name."

She raised her eyebrow, "Why?"

I growled, "Because I don't like it."

She unzipped her bag, "Well that's HOW I AM. I politely use people's names." She mocked me.

"Shut up.." I huffed, putting my arms behind my head, and laying down on the bed.

"Anyways.. do you want me sleep on the bed or not?" She looked back at me.

"Do whatever you want."

The girl sat down on the bed, picking up my wrist, and looking at my scar. "What's this?"

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