"I was worried. Well actually scared. I was scared you'd never accept me and hate me but grandpa was right he-"

"Grandpa? You have met him already?" He nodded.

"Yeah I met him a month after I met dad. He said I had to meet the man behind this wealth before officially being called a Davison." He explained.

"Oh." I said feeling disappointed that even my grandfather knew about Caleb yet I didn't. That explains why he didn't come for the reading of the will. I guess he didn't want to deal with the thousand questions I had.

"Yeah so that's why I masked my emotions when we met so you wouldn't tell when I'm hurt if you happen to hate me." I let out a huff.

"Hate is a very big word." He nodded.

"I know but I can be anxious too sometimes." I giggled at how someone like him could ever be anxious. "Hey do you like ice cream?" My smile grew wider every second.

"I love ice cream" he chuckled and stood up.

"Well let's go get some" I nodded then we went to his car.


"So no boyfriend?" I giggled shaking my head.

"Never even had one" he gasped.

"Are you being serious?" I nodded and finished my chocolate chip ice cream.

"I don't know about you but being an only child made me a loner. The fact that I'm also a billionaire's child made it worse. First of all no neighbors so you can say I didn't get to experience the normal childhood even though mom and dad tried to give me a normal one but still dating wasn't something that came easy for me like most girls." He nodded in understanding.

"So you're more of...." My attention shifted to a very familiar voice I could hear from a distant. I looked over the direction of the voice in the quiet hotel restaurant and I spotted her.

"Aunt Cam I'm telling you, you'll love them immediately you see them." uh oh.


"Shit" I cursed under my breath trying not to look at her hoping she doesn't see me.

"What did you say?" I looked at a confused Caleb.

"Nothing uhm I actually was-"

"Wait is that?.......aunt Cam I'll be right back." I could hear footsteps coming closer. Oh no! "Kyla?" She was finally next to me.

"Do you know her?" Caleb asked worriedly.

"Does she know me? Kyla I cannot believe you didn't tell me two know each other." Okay what do I say now? If I start explaining my relationship with Caleb she'll want to know about the non existing aunt.

"And why is she supposed to tell you that? Who the hell are you?" Say something before they argue!

"Meg! You look gorgeous." Caleb looked at me confused. Is that the best you could do? "Oh right my bad. Yes I know her Caleb, this is my best friend Megan Miller. Meg this is my older brother Caleb." She gasped while Caleb relaxed.

"Oh so this is your best friend? Nice to meet you Megan. I'm sorry if I was rude, I was making sure you're not harassing my little sister." He extended his hand and Meg shook it immediately.

"It's okay I understand and it's nice to meet you too Mr Davison." She looked at me "can I talk to you for a second?" I frowned and before I could say anything she dragged me to a corner.

"What the living hell Ky?!" My eyes widened at her reaction.

"Meg calm down I can explain." This will be interesting. Shut up!

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