Part 35 - A Nathalie design

Start from the beginning

But Nathalie shook her head.

"No", she whispered, "this time I want to be in control!" And then she was pushing him off, to then flip them over and straddle him again. Her fluids already covered his dick and his balls and were now spreading over his stomach.

Scooting down on his body, placing tender kisses on her way, she was soon right next to his member with her mouth.

Gabriel held his breath for a moment, then let out the air audibly, as she not only closed her hand around it, but started to carefully kiss and lick all over his length.

"Nathalie, you don't have to do that, it's.....holy crap, woman.....why....ah...why so.....oh at.....fuck....that?"

In the wink of an eye, she had him on the edge of spilling his fluids, when she suddenly stopped and crawled back up to face him. Vigorously kissing his lips her tongue instantly inviting his to connect, she took his length between her upper thighs, moving back and forth while squeezing him tight, rubbing her own sensitive nub along his shaft, until she felt close to her release herself.

Only then she impaled herself on his throbbing erection. The immediate sensation of bliss emanated from deep down to their heads, making them both cry out their pleasure, while they desperately held on to the other's body.

When she let herself fall onto his chest a moment later, Nathalie winced.

"Ouch", she exclaimed and propped herself up on her elbows, to then collapse beside Gabriel.

"What's wrong, my love? Was that too..."

She interrupted him.

"My breasts do still hurt now and then, and I just landed right on them so...."

"Oh", he replied. "Is there anything I can do?"

Nathalie shook her head.

"I'm fine. But I love that you care so much!"

Their bodies close and their arms around the other, they drifted off to sleep, both not even thinking off the work they still had to do.

Over the next two weeks they were in everyone's mouth, on every newspaper and magazine, every possible gossiping blog or TV show. But then the attention turned towards something else. In a city that big, there is always something new happening and so people found new things to talk about.

To Nathalie it felt like a relief, not having to watch over her shoulder all the time, to not be accidentally on some photographer's row of snapshots.

Gabriel was more than caring and sweet. Though at some point he almost annoyed her. But she didn't tell him, because she knew he only wanted to be there for her.

The weeks until her next appointment past and still the doctor couldn't see the gender, the little baby just turned away and showed him the back. Somehow Nathalie even thought it was funny, as she didn't care, as long as the little one was healthy.

Gabriel had in the meantime hired a private investigator to find out, if Chloe and Felix indeed were his children too. Though he couldn't even imagine, what he would do with the knowledge, it didn't let him rest either.

While it was rather easy to get a sample of Chloe's DNA, Audrey was difficult and Amélie and Felix nearly impossible to get to. So the Detective needed to make contact in a different way to get close to the Graham de Vanily family. But the man had a complete team of specially trained actors who knew how to infiltrate even a rich and well protected family like Amélie and her son. So Gabriel trusted their judgement and waited patiently.

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