The next right thing songfic

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Quick songfic. POV: Tony after Peter got snapped. I know it's a kid movie, but I love the songs and the animating is 👌

I've seen dark before, but not like this
"Mr Stark? I don't-I don't feel so good."
The young boy collapsed on Tony, sending the both of them tumbling to the ground.

This is cold, this is empty, this is numb
"Peter?" Peter crumpled to dust, his agonised face the last thing to crumble. Tony sat there, staring at the ashes of his son-figure, smeared across his hands.

The life I knew is over, the lights are out
It was different. No hyper-energetic Spiderboy to keep them on task.

Hello, darkness, I'm ready to succumb
For a moment, Tony seriously considered staying there, frozen in one spot.

I follow you around, I always have
It hadn't been a good idea to find the Spider-Man in the first place. It had been bad enough to see him holding up the shipping container, that Steve Rogers had unceremoniously dumped on him. Peter had stuck to Tony, helping him in the lab so much that Tony let him have a Stark Internship, with a photo to prove.

But you've gone to a place I cannot find
He didn't want to admit it, but Tony relied on Peter so much, not just for muscle, but for the feeling of having someone to support him.

This grief has a gravity, it pulls me down
Trying to get up, Tony felt his body freeze, stuck staring at the ashes of his son. It made him shiver, the flesh wounds on his body protesting at his involuntary movement.

But a tiny voice whispers in my mind
Peter's voice piped up in his head, 'You can do it. You can get us back.'

You are lost, hope is gone
But could he? Thanos had killed half of humanity almost effortlessly, backhanding Tony onto a rock that pierced his armour.

But you must go on
He couldn't stay there forever. The creepy blue girl was probably still out there. The only other life on this planet.

And do the next right thing
He had to check on Pepper, Happy, anyone he could think of.

Can there be a day beyond this night?
Honestly, Tony didn't know if he could summon the strength to get back to earth.

I don't know anymore what is true
Was this a twisted reality, a bad dream?

I can't find my direction, I'm all alone
The only star that guided me was you
In his peripheral vision, Tony saw a flash of red and blue, and the words 'You can do it Dad.' floated back to him.

How to rise from the floor?
Head spinning, Tony clambered awkwardly to his feet, wounds screaming in resistance.

When it's not you I'm rising for
Realising he wasn't going to stand up to find his one piece of reassurance on this cold world, Tony considered giving up.

Just do the next right thing
But he had to keep going. For Pepper, Happy, his family. Not by blood, but by love.

Take a step, step again
Stumbling towards where he thought a spaceship landed, Tony only thought about keeping one foot landing in front of the other.

It is all that I can to do the next right thing
Just one more step. One more. One more.

I won't look too far ahead
Resisting the urge to look ahead, Tony disengaged his suit, the damages titanium alloy dropping off piece by piece, a trail of brokenness.

It's too much for me to take
Again, Tony wanted to give up. He spotted a spaceship, with a small figure moving around outside it. It was seven tall sand dunes away. Impossible.

But break it down to this next breath, this next step,
Just one more step. One more. Peter's voice echoed in his ear again. 'You can do it Mr Stark.'

This next choice is one that I can make
He could stop and collapse there and then. Or he could keep going, and save the universe. Hopefully.

So I'll walk through this night
Not stopping, Tony walked through the next five sand dunes, his head quiet for once.

Stumbling blindly toward the light
The ship was also only a sand dune away now. As the last piece of armour, not counting the broken pieces of his chest plate, came off his arms, clanking loudly against a rock.

And do the next right thing
He had to get to Pepper and Happy.

And, with the dawn, what comes then?
As he got to the ship, Tony allowed himself to wonder what he could do to help. He wasn't a god, not superhero like Rogers.
'Take off the suit, what are you?' Rogers had once asked him.
'Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.' He'd answered. But inside, he wasn't ready. Not to be a superhero. He wasn't worthy. He was a kid who'd been forced to grow up.

When it's clear that everything will never be the same again
Half of humanity gone, Tony would never hear Peter again.

Then I'll make the choice to hear that voice
But he had to.

And do the next right thing.
For Peter.

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