Instant Kill

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Sorry I havent updated in a while. Here's a super long update to make up.

During the big fight in Endgame, just after Peter gave the gauntlet to Captain Marvel. This story doesn't really follow the rest of Endgame. The medical information in this story is as accurate as I could find, so I hope this helps you, if you ever find yourself in a emergency.

After he gave the gauntlet to Captain Marvel, Peter picked himself up off the ground. 'There are still hundreds of bad guys out there.' He thought, surveying the fierce battle surrounding him. Thanos's ship was still falling to pieces after Captain Marvel flew through it. He dodged a laser, and webbed up a chunk of ship.

"Queens! I could use some help here!" Captain America yelled over the comms.

"On my way Cap!" Peter called back, as he swung towards the Captains location, flashing up before his eyes.

Landing to the left of the Captain, Peter webbed up some of the horde of monsters, before a flying one got caught in a web that hadn't even left his webshooters yet.

Peter was pulled away by the horrific monster, flying really fast.

"I need some heeeeeelp!" Peter screeched over the comms.

"On my way." Mr Stark replied.

Soon enough, the Iron Man suit came whizzing overhead, and shot a laser beam at the demon, which evaporated into dust.

"Ta!" Peter yelled, before swinging off.

"WOAH! Tones, bogey behind you!" Rhodey, the War Machine shouted. No response. "TONY! Tony needs backup, STAT!"

"I'm on it!" Peter grunted, swinging in mid air, and catching a web on Pepper Potts's foot. She was in a blue Iron Man suit.

"I gotcha, kid. Hold on!" She grunted.

As they neared the clearing where Tony was about to be overrun with monsters, Peter dropped off his web, onto one of the misters head. Pepper pulled another one around, roundhouse kicking it in the head.

Tony screamed, over the comms and out loud.

Whipping around at the sound, Peter saw a half-dead monster, impaled with it's own sword, pull Tony onto it, the vibranium shredding like tissue paper against the intergalactic metal.

"General Rhodes, how's your situation?" T'Challa asked over the comms.

"Can someone get anyone with any med training here please? Like, now?" Came the harried response.

"What's wrong?" Cap inquired.

"Tony's been stabbed." Pepper grimly interjected, as Rhodey took a hit from behind, and engaged in combat. "Where's that med?"

"I can treat stab wounds, but I don't have any way of getting to you." Shuri said.

"Hold tight, I'll get you here." Peter yelped, narrowly dodging a spear.

Taking a running leap, he latched a web onto a flying demon, making his way to the Princess.

Finding her blasting every demon in sight, Peter fumbled his last web, and went flying into a rock alcove.

"Hey Spider-dude." Shuri greeted. "Wow, you're young. Hey, it's Wednesday my dudes."

"Aaah." Peter fake screamed, throwing his head back.

Shuri laughed, before blasting a final monster, and strolling over to Peter.

"So, how are we getting over there?" She asked, shielding her eyes and looking towards the laser beams that signalled where Pepper and Rhodey were.

"Well, I figured if you hang onto me, I can web us over there." Peter explained.

Shuri grinned. "I've been looking forward to this." She grabbed his arm, and they swung off. 

In record time, they arrived at the clearing where Pepper and Rhodey were almost back to back, enclosed by demons. Tony lay quiet behind them.

Activating their chest beams simultaneously, they decimated the remaining demons. The rest turned and fled.

"Shuri!" Pepper greeted. "Tony's stabbed in the shoulder. He can't move it, and probably has a mild concussion." She described, as Shuri pulled a tiny First Aid kit out of her bag.

Tapping it, the kit turned into a full size med bag.

"Right." Shuri murmured to herself as she pulled on a pair of gloves. "Stab. SEP. Sit them down."

She cast a glance to Tony, who had crawled to a rock nearby, and was looking around. "Examine the area." She knelt down, and checked the wound. It was remarkably clean, with no huge things in it. She pulled out a few small stones, before opening the first aid kit, and selecting a large bandage. "P. Apply pressure." Pressing down on the bloodstained area with a folded bandage, she rooted around in the med kit for another bandage to keep it on.

"You good?" Peter asked, coming up behind her.

"Yeah, can you please get me the semi unrolled bandage in the bottom compartment."

"Yeah." Peter said, passing her the bandage.

Ripping off the plastic cover, she wrapped it around the shoulder. The shoulder plate had fallen off.

Satisfied with her work, Shuri stripped off her gloves, and put them in a different compartment in the first aid kit.

"Right. You stay here." She said, pointing to Tony.

"We'll look after him. Thank you." Pepper said.

"Right." Peter awkwardly mumbled.

"Let's go fight some bad guys." Shuri replied.

Peter agreed, and soon they were fighting bad guys together, occasionally shouting vines at each other.

Until something went wrong.

"Hey. Shuri, I think somethings wrong." Peter said, turning around, only to see Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet.

"No!" He shouted, before flinging himself towards the glowing stones.

Thanos had just started to say "I am inev-"when Peter swung into him.

"Insect." Thanos murmured, swatting at Peter.

"Arachnid!" Peter shouted, webbing Thanos's face.

Taking advantage of the situation, he webbed the gauntlet out of his hand.

He saw the blinding lights of the Infinity Stones. He didn't see Thanos's giant hand.

Pt 2 soon.

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