Avengers Christmas

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Hello everyone! It's EllaAnnie, sorry I've been away for so long, I've had heaps going on. Only 5 days until Christmas!!! This will probably be my last update until Christmas, then I'll probably update on Boxing Day, and probably every second day after. Love y'all

Pepperony, Stucky, Irondad and Spiderson. Just some Avengers Christmas.

"Mum, Dad, wake up!!" Peter yelled, jumping onto his parents bed at 8AM.

Soon enough, they were all out of bed, and Peter had gone to get the other Avengers.

Ten minutes later everyone was sitting in front of the majestic Christmas tree, all of the adults holding cups of steaming coffee.

Tony gave Peter a new mug with Spider-Man patterns, and it said 'I'm just like Spider-Man.'

Pepper gave Peter a onesie, also with the Spider-Man logo, and a removable hood.

Nat got Peter a holster, that held nerf guns, but also real guns. It even had pockets for the nerf bullets.

Clint got him a paintball voucher, for the whole team. That would be fun, especially if Clint, Peter and Nat were on different sides.

Steve got him a sketchbook, compete with pencils.

Bucky got him a bunch of new books. Peter found the gesture touching, as he didn't really know Bucky that well yet.

Wanda gave him a box of his favourite chocolates, as well as a movie voucher and a box of lego. And, a shirt that was always backwards, no matter what way you put it on.

Vision gave him a few boxes of lego, one of which was the Avengers Tower, 39972 pieces.

Sam gave him a mini RedWing, but blue and red.

The other Avengers were with their families.

Peter got his parents a photo frame of the three of them together.

Peter got Nat a bucketful of pranking supplies, including slime and paint.

For Clint, Peter got a fake Mjolnir, to trick Thor when he came back from Asgard.

Steve got a new StarkPad, one with special modifications by Peter, that allowed Steve to draw like he would on a normal sketch pad.

Peter got Bucky a whole packet full of magnets. "They're for your arm. To help you think of it as normal, not just as something for killing." Peter said, smiling brightly. Bucky loved it.

For Wanda, Peter got a costume, consisting of: elbow length red gloves, red neon tights, and a sparkly red top. It was a running joke between them, they'd try to get each other crazy presents each time there was a special occasion.

Peter gave Vision a beanie, that looked plain, but, when turned inside out, had the soul stone printed on it. Vision loved it, and put it on immediately.

Last but not least, Peter gave Sam a wrapped box. Upon opening, it had a smaller box. Or, more accurately, 8 smaller boxes inside each other. Then, in the smallest box, a note read: 'Check under your bed.'

Intrigued, Sam rushed to check. Under his bed there was another note: Under the Christmas tree.'
Sam ran to the tree, and there was a package, sitting right at the back. Ripping it open, Sam found two boxes. One had chocolates, and the other had a little Falcon Build-a-Bear bear.

All the Avengers loved their presents. But Peter had one more surprise.

He pulled out a packet of movie tickets, and handed one out to each adult.

They were movie tickets to the new Avengers movie/documentary, The Avengers. It followed the events of the New York Invasion, especially on the Loki part.

The cast was impeccable. Robert Downey Jr looked exactly like Tony, Chris Evans looked uncannily like Steve, so in and so on.

Love you all heaps. Merry Christmas

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