Prank War

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Clint grinned mischievously down from one of the vents, the one conveniently located right outside Tony's room. The door yawned open and out stepped a very tired looking Tony Stark. He was abruptly woken properly up when a bucket of freezing water was upended on his head.

"Gah! Alright, very funny, now who did it?"

Clint was struggling to contain his laughter when Tony looked up, straight into the vent.

"CLINT! Oh, you're on. Prank War."

TIMESKIP because reasons

The teams were official.

On team Prankers was Tony, Peter, Natasha, Vision, Sam, Loki and Wanda.

On team Capsicle was Steve, Bucky, Pietro, Clint, Rhodey, Thor and Scott.

Bruce was sitting out, because nobody wanted a code green.

With the Prankers

"Ok, listen up. We have a melodramatic teenager and the god of pranks, so we have a pretty good chance of winning. So, Peter, Loki, any ideas?" Asked Tony expectantly.

The two troublesome people looked at each other with almost identical expressions of prank ideas.

"OK, so we can do the glitter slime blocks in everyone's showers, slime on top of doors, oh, and slime in beds, sandpaper instead of toilet paper, bathroom Vines playing at top volume. That's always a good one." Peter started.

"Alarm clocks set for 2 AM, furniture on the roof, etcetera." Loki finished. Tony, Natasha, Vision, Sam, and Wanda just stared in slightly scared admiration.

"Are we good?" asked Tony.

"Yup" responded the rest of their team.

"OK, Wanda and Vis, you guys get the slime powder and the superglue. Nat and Peter, you guys get stuff for your own pranks. Sam and Loki go get other prank supplies. I'll stay and spy on the other team." Said Tony, with a nod of his head, and everyone scrambled off to get some money for the items they needed. Tony got up and walked over to his lab, and brought up the live feed for Team Capsicle.

With Team Capsicle.

"OK, Clint what've you got?" Asked Pietro.

"I'm not telling, I need you to get these things. Pietro, you can get food that is easy to slip on, Steve, you go with Bucky to hide all the devices you can find, Thor you can get paint, any colour, Rhodey and Scott, you guys find the most annoying songs there are, and get some speakers to up around the tower. I'll get the lockdown code from Bruce to lockdown everyone on these top four floors. We good?" Clint said, pointing to each person in turn, who nodded, and everyone got up to go.


Tony watched Steve, Bucky, Pietro, Rhodey, Thor and Scott run out to the garage and each get in a car. Tony clicked through the camera feed, trying to find Clint. Clint was spotted sitting on a couch in the dining room, intently looking at his phone.

Tony smiled, as Peter, Natasha, Vision, Sam, Loki and Wanda returned with all their pranking essentials. Peter was jumping on the spot. This was on.

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