A hint of horror Pt 2

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MJ took off running, the other people following her.

Peter swung up to the windowless office that was precariously attached to the smooth steel wall. Acting on instinct, he shot a web at where the window would be, and it connected, ripping away a piece of well disguised cardboard.

Throwing himself at the window, Peter was met with a round of bullets, one hitting his arm, but the pain barely registered.

Slinging a web at the gunner, he ripped off the three hostages's blindfolds, and ripped the duct tape binding them to their chairs.

"Hold on!" Peter called, as he ran and leaped, free falling for long enough for someone to scream.

But, Peter has miscalculated. He was used to swinging only with himself. Now he had three other people with him. By the time he realised this, it was too late.

Webbing the three people loosely together, Peter shot a web at the roof, and slid the web-shooter onto Ned's wrist.

Peter fell, as the three ex-hostages jerked upwards. The last thing Peter thought, before hitting the hard water was; 'At least everyone's safe.'


MJ had activated the beacon, the second she stepped outside. There were no guards, and she could even see the edge of Brooklyn.

Three people came awkwardly tottering out, through the doorway, and joined the fray. They were soon unstuck from the webs that weakly joined them together.

A fast approaching blur shot across the horizon, getting closer by the second. It landed, with another dot steadily growing behind it.

The first blur was Iron Man. He hovered over the ground, and spotting MJ, Tony disengaged the faceplate, and walked over to her.

"MJ! Good to see your OK. Where's Peter?"

"He's in there, he was getting the last three hostages. They're out now. If you see him, give him this." MJ handed Tony the last stick of Web-Fluid. Nodding grimly, Tony took off.

The second dot landed, and out emerged the Avengers (minus Iron Man, obviously.)

Black Widow, Hawkeye and Captain America started getting the kids into the QuinJet.

MJ fought her way through the throng, and managed to get Nat's attention.

"Nat! Peter hasn't come out!" She shouted. The spy nodded, and sprinted to the doors of the warehouse.

MJ took up Nat's position, and kept marshalling the people on. When everyone was in, she turned to Steve and Clint, and explained the situation properly.

"Clint! Steve! Peter's still in there, Nat and Tony are there. There weren't many, if any guards, but I heard gunshots as we were getting out. I think Peter's hurt, because he'd be out if he wasn't."

"Thanks MJ. Clint, stay here, I'll go check the perimeter. Sam, can you get me eyes in the sky?" Steve said, running towards the building.

Clint nervously nocked an arrow, and aimed at the building.

Muffled booms came echoing out; one, two, three, four. Then, the warehouse imploded.

Steve was expelled backwards out of the entrance, and ran to protect the QuinJet.

Debris rumbled as Tony shot up into the sky, Nat holding his foot. She landed near the QuinJet, and could only watch as Tony dove back into the wreckage.

Tony rocketed upwards, clutching something to his chest. He turned and shot towards the distant city.

MJ, Clint, Steve and Nat got back into the QuinJet, and gently lifted off, flying at a more relevant speed, back to school. Even though it was 1:38 AM, according to the digital clock that was on the dashboard, school was where everyone wanted to be.

In a small space, designed for a maximum capacity of 10 people, 100 people were sitting on every available surface.

Ned pushed his way to stand next to MJ.

"Hey. Peter'll be OK. Tony's got him." Ned reassured.

MJ said nothing, only staring out the window.

Half an hour later, they had touched down a n the oval, where they had been herded in, only three days ago.

When everyone was safely down, Clint came up to MJ.

"Hey. Steve wanted to know if you're coming back to the tower. Peter would want you there." The father said quietly.

"Yeah, I will." MJ said to Clint. Turning to Ned, she said; "Ned, can you please tell my parents that I've gone with the Avengers, to be with Peter?"

Ned agreed immediately, and made her promise to text him half hourly updates on Peter. Ned had seen Peter fall, sink and not resurface. He'd told Clint, who'd told Steve who'd told Nat.

That only made them more worried. Everyone who met Peter loved him. He was a ray of sunshine in their lives.

Barely ten minutes later, Clint, Nat, Steve and MJ were landing on the roof of the Avengers Tower. They all rushed to the elevator, where they saw Pepper Potts, Peter's adoptive mother.

"Come quickly, he's just gone into surgery, about five minutes ago." Pepper shakily greeted. "He's got several broken ribs, concussion, shoulder popped out, as well as a badly bruised back. From what we can tell. Bruce and Dr Cho are operating to reset his shoulder, and see what's going on with his back."

Thirty tense seconds later, they were on the MedLab floor. They all hurried after Pepper, who was somehow running gracefully in 4 inch heels. (Gotta give a girl some credit, I can barely walk in one inch.)

Tony was slumped in a chair, outside the sterile white doors that concealed their son, nephew, pranking buddy, boyfriend.

Two hours later, Peter was awake, but on so many painkillers he had to have a constant stream of them.

"Hey Dad. Muum. Uncle Steeeve. Mama паук. MmmmJ." Peter mumbled, barely staying conscious. It hurt everyone to see their baby like that. Tubes sticking out of his mouth and nose, a huge scar up his chest and a black and blue patch over his eye.

They each had a short conversation with Peter, before he was too tired to keep talking.

Before daybreak, Peter was asleep.

Steve had driven MJ home, and promised to update her if Peter woke up.

The next day was.... difficult. Nobody had said a word about Peter being Spider-Man, but the last thing MJ wanted to do was go to school. It was open for anyone who wanted to attend.

At lunchtime, MJ's phone rang with a phone number not in her contacts list. She answered it, and Steve's voice filled her ear.

"He's awake, and asking for you and Ned. I'm on my way to pick you up, then we can pick up Ned."

MJ told her mum, and Steve's car pulled up. She directed him to Ned's place, and soon the three of them were on their way to the Avengers Tower.

They were soon with Peter, reassuring him that everyone got out safely.

They all knew that Peter wouldn't recover from this quickly. But, they knew he was strong, none knew it more than MJ.

One year later.

Peter recovered in just under three months. He had a close call, a few days after he woke up, when he started vomiting up buckets of water, barely able to breathe. From then on, there was always someone with him. He was surrounded by family. He went back to school to thunderous applause. He was hailed as a hero, MJ was happy to fade into the shadows, but Peter pulled her into the limelight by kissing her in the cafeteria.

MJ was just happy that Peter was back in school, and safe.

Tony gave MJ another tracker, as well as her own, modified by Peter, Web-Shooters.

And they all lived happily ever after.


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