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Ok, you guys have had enough fluff for now. I'm way better at writing sad stuff. Based on a prompt I saw on Pinterest (But then I accidentally reloaded it, and lost it.) Peter is 18, Morgan is 5 and Pepperony is married.

Peter Parker-Stark was questioning why he was army crawling down his adoptive parents hallway, probably getting blood all over the hallway. He had been saving people as Spider-Man for close to 10 years now, but today was a first. He had gotten hit with shrapnel from a bomb, and lost a few people in the explosion.

Only just making it to the always open window on the side of the tower, Peter dragged himself along the rug, only managing to not cry out for fear he'd wake up his gorgeous little sister, Morgan.

A piece of shrapnel dug into his stomach, and a groan escaped Peter's mouth. He was right outside Morgan's door. Thank god the lights were off. If Morgan woke up, she would freak out, and Peter would freak out, and Tony and Pepper would wake up, and on and on.

Stifling the second groan, Peter dragged himself a little forward, only to bang into the small table in between the doors of Pepper and Tony, and Morgan's room. Peter's was on the other side of Pepper and Tony's.

"Peter?" A small voice asked, and Peter hurriedly propped himself up against the wall, covering his wounds with his hands.

"Hey-hey Morgs."

"Are you Ok? You sound hurt."

"I'm f-fine sweety. Just-just bumped into the table on my way to get a drink. Go back to sleep, it's really early."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you more. Now, go to sleep, or Dad won't take you for a ride in the suit tomorrow."

Giggling, Morgan turned, to where she thought her door was, but banged into the wall. And then she flicked on the light.

A few things registered in her mind. There was a wall in front of her. There was blood on the carpet. Her door was open a few steps down the hall. And Peter was slumped on the ground, blood all over his face and body.

"Peter! Mum!!! Dad!!! Peter's hurt!" Morgan yelled, crouching down to give Peter a hug. Pepper and Tony rushed out of the room, and almost stumbled over Peter's outstretched legs.

Tony swore, and Pepper rushed to get the First Aid kit in the nearby bathroom.

Morgan withdrew, scared at the sight of her big brother, who was pale with bloodstains all over his chest and body, her dad crouched by his side and her mum running back with a bag of first aid supplies.

"Morgs, you go get your pillow, and lay down on our bed." Pepper said, looking compassionately at her obviously terrified daughter. Morgan nodded and ran into her room. She emerged a few minutes later, and by then Tony had taken Peter to his room, which had a First Aid corner.

Pepper gathered her daughter in a hug, and walked out of the bloodstained hallway, and into Pepper and Tony's room. They laid down on the bed and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

A few hours later, an exhausted Tony gently woke up Pepper, who sat up immediately. They swapped places, Tony laying with Morgan, and Pepper going in to monitor Peter. At daybreak, Tony came in, and Pepper went back to sleep. Morgan was awake, and getting dressed. Peter was asleep.

Part 2 tomorrow

Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora