Watching their movies

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Pepper, Clint, Sam, Scott, Hope, Thor, Peter, Bucky, Bruce, and Wanda were all sitting on the couch. Clint was sitting on a couch, texting his wife.

Bruce was watching the movie on the TV, which was almost over.

Bucky was cooking in the kitchen, and Peter P was laying on Wanda, who he considered his big sister, and they were sprawled over the biggest couch, which they took up the entirety of.

The movie finished, and Wanda used her magic to pick up the remote, and exited the movie.

The Disney Plus logo flashed up, and on the screen in the 'New and recommended for you' box, there was a playlist, called 'The Avengers". Interested, Wanda clicked on the playlist, and 23 movies loaded onscreen. Intrigued, Wanda clicked on the first one.

"Hey, guys?" She called out, and everyone turned quickly.

After the events on Titan and in Wakanda, everyone was still on edge. "There's these movies, I think they're about us. I think this first one's about Cap."

Bucky ran over. He missed Steve so much, but was happy for his best friend.

Wanda started the movie, and Peter shifted so he could see better. Everyone turned, and looked at the TV. Soon enough they were all enraptured by the movie. But, all too soon, it was over.

"How... what the hell was that?" Bucky asked. "They got everyone exactly right! It's exactly how I remember it!"

Wanda pulled out her phone, and Wikipedia'd it.

"It says that someone named Sebastian Stan plays you."

"And who plays Steve?"

The questions kept coming. Then, Wanda put on the next movie. Then the next one. In all, there were 23 movies. They watched them all.

All of the events happened exactly right, all the people in the movies looked exactly like the real people do.

Everyone cried when Nat and Tony died, especially Clint, Peter and Pepper.

"Ok, maybe we turn this off now." Said Wanda gently, reaching for the remote and flicking the remote.

Everyone piled on the couch, one giant Avenger group hug.

At 11:30 that night, an ear piercing scream echoed up and down the 78th floor. Clint grabbed his bow and an arrow. Wanda readied her hands to summon her red magic. Vision glided through the wall towards the sound.

Everyone ran to the sound of the scream, which rang out three more times. They stopped outside Bucky's room. The scream sounded again, this time louder, if that was even possible. Vision dematerialised his hand and stuck it through the door, and pulled sharply back, ripping it off its hinges in the process. Everyone rushed towards the far end of the room, where Bucky's bed was. He was thrashing around is his bed, tears streaming down his face.

Clint held down Bucky's shoulders, and tried to shake him awake.

"Bucky! BUCKY!" He yelled, frantically trying to help one of his best friends.

Wanda shook her head. Clint's method wasn't going to work. She summoned her red magic, and put her hands on Bucky's temples. She immediately plunged into his night terror.

Steve was standing over Bucky, a look of utmost betrayal on his face.

"Why... Buck, why did you do that? Why did you not save me? Why are you not here with me? That's what a best friend could do, if you can even count yourself as a friend." Dream-Steve sneered, hefting his shield. With a blank face, Steve smashed into shield into Bucky's metal arm, over and over.

"Not as strong, or as brave as me. Never was, never will be." Steve intoned.

Steve morphed into a greasy man in a giant winter coat.

"желаниe. pжавый. семнадцать. Девять. Один. рассвет. Печь."

Wanda could faintly feel Bucky thrashing around again, but she worked to block out the sound.

With all her strength, Wanda pulled them both out of the dream. She stumbled back, and would have fallen, if Vision hadn't have caught her.

Bucky sat up, eyes wide, but still not seeing.
"Steve." He breathed.

"Bucky, Steve is gone. Back in time remember?" Clint said, patting him on the shoulder.

"No, Steve... he's gone. I... I could feel him, but he's gone. Peggy too. We need to find them."

Bucky took a deep shuddering breath, hoping that his feeling was wrong.

Three hours later, the entire team was in a small van on their way to the private nursing home where Steve and Peggy lived.

They scanned the small card that was always on the dashboard, and Clint parked the van outside Steve and Peggy's private house. They swiped the card to open the door, and ran inside.

Bucky was first in, and gasped. Steve was slumped against his desk, and Peggy was collapsed against the wall next to him. Clint crouched down, and checked both of their pulses.


She stood up slowly, and stood there for a while. They were together until the end.

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