A recipie for disaster (hes not feeling the aster)

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May knows about Spider-Man, Tony and the Avengers have Peter Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Peter goes to the tower after patrol on Thursdays and stays until Sunday morning.

One lazy Thursday afternoon, Peter was sitting home alone, as May was working.

Bored out of his mind, Peter decided to go on patrol. It was 4:30, and he wasn't due at the tower until his curfew of 10:30. He could use some exercise, as the weather recently had made the buildings too wet to stick onto. Besides, the last time Peter went on patrol while it was raining and cold, he caught the flu and was in bed with migraines for a week.

Getting up, Peter went into his room, and got into his suit. Slipping out of his window, clambering down the fire escape and dropping down into the alleyway, Peter ran right down the other end of the alley, and slipping through a tiny walkway, passing three other buildings before squeezing himself out.

Pulling his mask on, Peter said "Hey Karen!"

"Good afternoon Peter. How was your day?" The evercaring AI inquired.

"Eh, mostly boring. Mays' at work so I stayed at home watching movies all day. Any crimes nearby?"

"There is a masked gunman at DeBelaur Restaurant. From what I can tell from the footage, he has two pistols, only one drawn, and is currently holding three people and one child hostage, while yelling at the cashier to transfer all the money to an offshore bank account." Karen informed Peter as he webbed his way to the high class restaurant.

Getting there within ten minutes, Peter cautiously opened the door, then slipped inside, instantaneously webbing the door shut.

At the soft 'thwip' of Peter's web leaving the shooters, the gunman turned, pressing the gun even harder into the hostage's head.

"Spider-Man! I thought you'd come!" The man manically cackled in a Texan accent. "I'm so glad you could make it! Make no mistake, I'm gonna kill you all the same, but I have a deal for you."

"I'm listening." Peter said, trying to keep his voice steady. Karen scanned the room, and figured that the man could fatally shoot the hostage faster than Peter could get to them.

"I have this entire building surrounded by my friends. They will not let a single person leave here alive, unless I tell them to. You give yourself up, I'll tell my buddies to let everyone go. Then, I will tie you up, take you to the TV recording studio, and reveal you myself!" The man said, his hand going up to his head.

"Drop the gun and I'll think about it!"

"Oh I'm not that stupid Spider. I know you'll get them out somehow. You have ten seconds. Ten, nine, eight, seven-"

"Ok! I'll give myself in! Just let them go, and I'll go with you!" Peter yelled faux-desperately.

Grinning satisfactorily the man, who Peter had nicknamed Texan Guy, gestured for the people huddled under tables to get out. They gladly obliged.

Once they were all out, bar the hostage, Peter walked over to the man. "Let the hostage go, and I'll come quietly."

Kicking the hostage away, Texan Guy grinned. The hostage fled for the door.

As soon as he was sure that everyone was safe, Peter launched into action, webbing the mans gun away, and ripping off his leather jacket, which hid his second gun. The two grappled, almost falling into a table and tumbling, over and over. The red and blue lights of police sirens dimly bathed the once-immaculate restaurant in turmoil. Pulling a pocket knife out of his pants pocket, Texan Guy stood up and bought Peter close to his face, choking Peter in the process. "You said you wouldn't fight. Don't you remember my friends?"

"Dude. I can tell when people are bluffing. Don't play poker. You scratch your ear when you lie." Peter gargled. Kicking up, Peter flipped onto the ground.

Stumbling against the full table, Peter grabbed the nearest thing to him, using it to block the incoming pocket knife. Barely registering the heat between his fingers, Peter realised the irony of what he grabbed. It was a piece of steak. Oh the irony.

Temporarily distracting Texan Guy by shoving  the steak in his face, Peter webbed the pocketknife to the table, then the man to the floor. "Good fight. But you need to cover your right side. Even with the knife."

Signalling for the cops to come in, Peter picked up the pocket knife and severed his webs.
Ignoring the gathering crowds outside, Peter webbed off into the sunset, for another night of patrol.

Hi Nilofernoorulain, I saw you reading this book while I was writing this, so a shoutout for reading! ❤️❤️❤️

Also, what are your weirdest nicknames and why?

Mine is Jason Todd, because I'm like Jason Todd from Batman. My friends are other various members of the batfam.


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