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Peter Parker was a normal kid. Except for the fact that he was Spider-Man. But hardly anyone knew that. Until one tweet accidentally didn't be a private one.

Tony Stark @ IAmIronMan
Hey everyone! @ OfficialNifNews, this is to get you off my back. I do know who Spider-Man is, and he will not be publicly revealing his identity. No further questions on this matter please.

Quentin @ hakher
wow you know spiderman that's cool

Ellie @ elllyjj
Well pls tell Spidey we support him for not showing his face.

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But one comment stood out.

PeterParker @ PP Private Message
Mr Stark!!! You told me you wouldn't tell anyone!!!

Tony Stark @ IAmIronMan Private Message
Sorry Bambino... well I didn't tell anyone your name!

Amelia @ angelwings
@ PP is Spiderman?!!!!!!!!

'Aaaaah no.' Peter thought. Well there goes my identity.

"Aunt May!" He called out. This time he would tell her before she found out.

Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora