The Avengers go to........

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Characters:  Peter, Tony, Steve, Clint, Nat, Emma (me), etc.
IronDad SpiderSon and Aunt May is on a month long cruise. Happiness.

"I'm bored." Steve said. There had been no emergencies in almost a month, and Fury had given them a month off. Starting two days ago.

"Well, let's do something none of us have ever done." Nat suggested, lounging against the wall.

"Ok." Tony agreed. "Has anyone ever... gone to McDonalds at 3AM?"

Peter sighed, and nodded. That was funny, when Spider-Man webbed through the drive through, ordered an iced mocha, paid in loose change and webbed off.

The 'has anyone..' game went on for a while, until Clint suggested they go to Australia.
Nobody had gone there before.

Giving them a day to pack, Tony asked Happy to get the jet ready to go to Australia for three days. Happy didn't even bother asking why.


As the Avengers (and Spider-Man) landed in an airport in NSW (New South Wales). Blinking in the harshly bright light, they stepped down the stairway, through customs and out into the strangest country on earth.

Tony's phone buzzed with a message. It was from Happy.

I've arranged for a girl named Emma to meet you at the airport. She's got red hair, tall and about 15 y/o. She'll be your guide for the 3 days.

                                                  Thx Happy. I owe u

Looking around, Tony saw a redhead girl chewing gum, who was looking straight at him.

"So. That's our guide for the week." Tony informed the Avengers as he started walking towards the girl.

"You're the Avengers?"

"You're Emma?" Tony sassed.

"Yip. I... I know all your names. Now, do you want to go to your hotel first, or to the beach."

Sharing looks, the Avengers unanimously decided to go to their hotel rooms.

"It's only a short walk, just around the corner."
She directed. "I'll walk with you if you want. You got good rooms, right on the most famous beach in Australia."

As they started walking, Clint walked up to Emma.

"How aren't you hot? It's like 100 degrees!" Clint, who was sweating madly, exclaimed to Emma, who was wearing jeans.

"It's only 38, but if you think this's hot, wait for the next three days. It's gonna get to 42 on Tuesday."

Clint turned pale. "And... what's that in Fahrenheit?" He nervously prodded.

"Umm, 107 I think. Hey, we're here! I'll see you in ten minutes, I've gotta go get into my bathers."
Emma jogged off, and the Avengers checked in.

They were on the top floor, where they had a stunning view of the gorgeous Bondi Beach.

In ten minutes, they all met out the front of the hotel. Emma was wearing a long sleeve rashie, with a long swimsuit under. She raised an eyebrow at the barely tanned Avengers.

Nat was wearing a blue and white bikini. Clint was wearing green and blue swim shorts. Tony was wearing a Led Zeppelin singlet and AC/DC shorts (he forgot to pack bathers). Steve was wearing blue swim shorts that had the Captain America Shield on them. Peter was wearing a Iron Man swim top and yellow swim shorts.

"Have you put sunscreen on?" Emma questioned.

"No...." the Avengers chorused.

"Do you know how sunburnt you will be tomorrow?"

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