Natasha Romanoff

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(Artwork is mine)

A very caffeinated Peter was bouncing around on patrol, leaving it up to the literal last second as he shot from building to building on his webs. He was singing Dance Monkey by Tones and I, and he was enjoying every minute of it.
"Peter, there appears to be a bank robbery happening on 52nd street." said his AI, KAREN.

"Thanks K, I'm on my way. Ooh that rhymes!" Peter smiled, and let his web go, plummeting down through the air, only catching himself at the last second. He grinned like a madman, and flew through the air, all the way to 52nd street.

He arrived at the bank, and strutted in, catching the robbers unalert. Spider-man just smiled under his mask, and webbed them up against the wall.

All except one, who pulled out a small dagger.
Fake cringing away from the man, Peter laughingly yelped "Ah! Small knives! My only weakness!"

Spider-Man smiled again, and walked up to the knife dude. "Hey man! Why are you robbing the bank?"

"Well, I.. I umm.." and with the last word, the robber threw the dagger at Peters side, and took off, only to be caught by the police at the last minute.

Peter walked out, and shot a web at a roof, launching himself towards school, and stopped in the alleyway where he had stashed his backpack the night before.

He had been out all night, and had just downed a triple shot Espresso, and he felt great! He pulled out the dagger from his side, and winced. Ouch that hurt. He donned his normal clothes, he walked into school, as if nothing was wrong. People kept staring at the huge red wet patch on his side, but Peter just smiled at everyone. He bounced into his first class of the day, and plopped down in between Ned and MJ.
"Hey guys! What did I miss?"

"Ummm, Pete, you're bleeding..." said MJ, seriously concerned for Peter's health.

"Oh, this? Yeah, I just got stabbed, and I got the dagger out, and it was annoying me so I hit a target sign as I was going over, and I actually hit it! My lessons with Clint must really be paying off!" Peter said, blabbering about random things, while the entire class could hear him.

MJ discreetly got out her phone, and texted a contact, simply called BW.

Peter has been stabbed and is on a caffeine rush

ok Tony said I can pick him up, be there in 5


Five minutes later Peter was still blabbering on, despite both Ned and the teacher giving him pointed looks. MJ thanked god that he hadn't said anything directly about Spider-Man yet. That would be hard to explain.

As if drawn to her, everyone looked to the doorway, and stood Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow herself, dressed in a simple pink jumper and grey tracksuit pants.

"Hey, I'm here to pick up Peter Parker." she stated, and signalled for him to come. Picking up his bag, Peter walked towards her.
"паучок, что я тебе говорил про кофе твоего папы!"
Nat asked, nobody in the class knowing what she was saying.

"Не для!"

"и что ты сделал?"

"выпил это! это было вкусно!"

"зайди в бэби паук, пойдем домой"
So Natasha and Peter walked out of the classroom.

"Baby spider, what did I tell you about drinking your Dad's coffee?"

"Not to!"

"And what did you do?"

"Drank it! it was yummy!"

"Come on baby spider, let's go home")

Ned and MJ saw Peter the next day, and he looked like he hadn't got any sleep in a week.(He hadn't)


Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن