
2.4K 43 15

May died 3 months ago, Tony got custody, Uncle Ben's death was much more drawn out and heartbreaking. Anyway... feels ahead.

Peter was afraid of one thing. Losing his family. So, when Tony almost died again, Peter got his suit, disabled the tracker, camera, comms, and anything that could be used to track him. In his school bag went the essentials. $300 cash. Tins of beans and soup. Toiletries. Then he left a note.

I can't lose anyone else. Don't try to find me, you won't. If you see me on patrol, I won't acknowledge you. I can't lose my only family.
I love you 3000.

Then he left. Near his old apartment there was an abandoned warehouse, small, only 125 feet square, but had flat packs of a small bed, two couches and a small kitchen set. When Peter arrived, he slunk through the shadows, and seemed to dissipate into the night shadows.

Three weeks later

Tony Stark was panicking. Peter had disappeared. Natasha, Clint, Sam, Thor, Bruce, Cap and Bucky were out looking for the missing spider. Their ребенок паук, SpiderBro, Prank buddy, Starkson, ScienceBro 3, Peter, Spidey.

Three weeks passed since Bucky woke up with a nagging feeling, that something was wrong.

He went to ask Peter if he wanted to come for a run with him and Steve, when he found the note.

"Oh no. FRIDAY, activate missing avenger protocol!"

A blaring siren startled everyone awake, and FRIDAY directed them to Bucky, standing in Peters room, clutching the note.

Peters POV

The big media buzz about Spider-Man not being seen in nigh on 3 weeks hadn't died down. So Peter did something risky. He went out.

Cheers were heard all around the city as the anonymous vigilante appeared once again.

Avengers POV

Pepper, Nat, Sam, Clint, Thor, Steve, Bruce, Bucky, Wanda, Vision, T'Challa and even Shuri were gathered around the work table where Tony was working.

He hadn't slept in 2 and a half weeks. Everyone else in the room slept in turns, four asleep (Clint, Nat, Wanda and Shuri), four out searching (T'Challa, Vision Bruce and Bucky), and the other four searching the internet (Sam, Pepper, Steve and Thor). Four hour turns, no breaks. Tony had kept their gear updated.

But, behind them, was their biggest concern, live on the muted TV. As Shuri turned to retrieve a screwdriver for Tony, the news broadcast changed to the weather.

Unnoticed by any of them, Spider-Man swung past, latching a web to the window next to the lab. Infuriatingly close.

The team left Tony to upgrade a suit, and T'Challa, Vision, Bruce and Bucky went on online searching duty, and didn't have to do anything for results. They called in the rest of the team. Tony was there immediately. They found their Spider Baby.

The plan was made, and Clint, Wanda, Nat and Shuri changed out of their respect sleepwear, and they went Spider hunting.

Tony tracked Peter to the top of an abandoned building, where the media had given up trying to interview him.

Sam, Steve and Bucky went to Peter first. He told them that no, he wasn't going back, nobody else was going to die for him.

Then went T'Challa, Shuri and Bruce.
Peter told them that no, he wasn't going back, nobody else was going to die for him.

Next went Thor, Wanda and Vision. Peter softened a bit at the sight of his sorta older sister, but told them that no, he wasn't going back, nobody else was going to die for him. Again.

Then went Tony, Pepper and Nat. Tony and Pepper were legally Peters parents, and Nat was his favourite Aunty. His Мама паук. They talked for almost an hour, but eventually Pepper, Tony and Peter hugged, and Nat relayed what happened back to the group.

"He lost his parents, uncle, and now his aunt. He didn't want to lose any of us." Nat explained, and all the other Avengers piled onto the hug, squashing Peter in a giant group hug, filled with family love (NO STARKER!!!!!!!!! OR ANY OTHER PEDOPHILIC SHIP!!!!!).

"We promise you Peter. None of us will die on you. Until Infinity War, Endgame, and Age of Ultron." Clint said, looking at you, behind the screen.

"Wait, what?" Tony asked, before the author erased their memory of the fourth wall crumbling to the ground with a dusty sigh.

"*sigh* I've gotta stop breaking the fourth wall." Said the Author, before disappearing into an orange square 🟧 of light with a white W in it. The Avengers dismissed this as a trick of the light.

Anyways, pleeeease give me requests! We got to 1K, well on our way to 2K, so yay. EllaAnnabeth out.

Pfft, now we're close 50k

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