Tony's Final Moments

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Request. Other one on the way.
Italics are Tony's heartbeat.

Bump bump. Bump Bump. Peter lay, slumped in a heap, barely moving near the Mad Titan, Thanos.

Bump bump. Bump Bump.
"I am inevitable." Thanos said calmly, before snapping his fingers. Clonk. Thanos looked at the back of his gauntlet in shock. Not one of the six luminous stones were there.

Bump bump. Bump Bump.
Tony sat up, shuddering from the glow of the infinity stones on his gauntlet.
Too late, Peter realised what Tony was going to do.

Bump bump. Bump Bump.
"And I. Am. Iron Man."
And he snapped.

Bump bump. Bump.
Tony stumbled over to crumple against a rock alcove. Peter rushed over, a waterfall of words flooding from his mouth.

Bump bump.
"Mr Stark? Hey, Mr Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter. We won, Mr Stark. We won, sir, you did it. You did it. I'm sorry Tony."

Pepper Potts, Mr Starks wife, gently pulled Peter away. She knelt down next to Tony, and they murmured a few words. Peter was shaking from sobbing.

The light of the Arc Reactor, flickeringly glowing, started to fade. Then, it extinguished. Pepper gently kissed Tony's cheek, as the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Revengers, everyone knelt, in recognition of the fallen hero.

Dr Strange, and his friend started to make a huge portal, big enough for everyone to go home.

As they arrived back to earth, Peter's phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket. It had survived 5 years, 2 battles, and several hard falls.

124 missed calls from Aunt May
12 texts from Ned
67 texts from Aunt May
6 texts from MJ

Dialling furiously, Peter called Aunt May. She picked up on the first ring.

"Peter! Oh my god! What happened?"

"May! Oh thank god! I was in space with Mr Stark, and I got dusted, it hurt so much, and it was all orange, and a wizard came to get me to help defeat Thanos, who's the bad guy, and Mr Stark-" Peter choked.

"Sweetie? What's wrong?"

"M-Mr Stark. He sacrificed himself. He's gone May. He's gone."

"Pete, where are you? Can you come home, are you on earth?"

"Yes. I'm, I'm at the Avengers Tower. I'll swing home. May, I was so scared."

"I know darling. I'll see you in what, ten minutes?"

"Yes. Yea, I'll be there. Larb you."

"Larb you too honey."

"Hey! Spider-Man." It was none other than Captain America.

"Cap-Captain." Peter stuttered, just like at the airport. That seemed like an eternity ago.

"Hey, I know you're young, and this must be hard on you. If you want, you can stay here. I'm sure FRIDAY will let you up. After all, T.. Tony knew who you are, didn't he." Cap said softly.

"Yeah. I've got to go, but I will be back."

"You know where to find me." Cap said, smiling softly at the webslinger.

Exhaling hard, Peter signalled for his mask to cover his face, for the first time since Tony had died.

He swung towards his apartment, landing on the roof. May was waiting for him.

He collapsed into her arms, and they sat there, broken, but together.

Here you go.

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