Stay Alive (or you could just die. Wow, thanks now im sad.) pt 2

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"Thank you." The person wearing scrubs said.

The people in black left. I had a bad feeling about the person in scrubs.

They took off their mask, to reveal, none other than Aldrich Killian, my dads latest enemy.

If I had been capable of gasping out loud, I would have.

Killian was supposed to be dead.

"Yes. I have the boy. He is dead. No, rigor mortis hasn't set in yet. Yes, I have contacted Agent Jake, and he is about to stage the break in. Agent A.K out." The man said into a walkie talkie.

Several loud explosions echoed down the hallway, each concurrent blast getting further away.

Moving quickly, Killian swapped his white and green scrubs, for a black suit, complete with guns. He rushed my stretcher out of the sparse room, and out a grimy door.

A few meters away, there was an ambulance, lights on but sirens off.

My stretcher was loaded into it, and we were away. The person up front flicked on the sirens, and we sped through traffic. Soon, we were in the snowy mountain range, just outside of the edges of the city.

Screeching to a halt, the people unloaded my stretcher, and rushed my dead body into a secret door, almost invisible against the solid rock.

The stretcher changed hands several times, people sprinted to get my dead body somewhere. In barely two minutes, we had gone through a complex series of hallways, and into a large oblong room. There was a glowing tank in one corner, and medical instruments haphazardly laying on tables.

My dead body was flung onto the table, and people started injecting things, cutting into my scalp, and removing my top.

I watched curiously as a person got a vial of some glowing green liquid, and injected it into my dead body's arm.

Instantaneously, I was hurled back into my body. At first I wasn't aware of the red hot pain. But it hit me within half a second.

I was barely conscious of the screaming. My screaming. I was mainly aware of the paralysing pain.

People around me hauled me up, and escorted me to another room, where I was shoved down onto a chair. A large wad of fabric was shoved into my mouth, and a metal bar came around my head, preventing my from moving it at all.

A person came in, and started reading out words to me. With each word, an agonising shock rippled slowly down my body.


(Translation in comments)

My mind went blank.

"готов подчиниться." I somehow knew what to say.

"Good." The man said in English. "Your name is Solider 1042, and your mission is to gather information on the Avengers, aka Earths mightiest heroes. Once you have gained enough information, you will take them out. They are grieving, so it should be easy to infiltrate. Your change of clothes is in the next room."

I nodded, and left.

The clothes were a simple black suit, belt, and sturdy boots. After quickly changing into them, I knew to go back to my trainer.

"You will train for a mission, for which you will leave in a month. Until then, you will sleep in the room where you got your clothes." My trainer said.

I found the room easy enough, and laid down on the hard bed that had been hastily shoved into a corner.
Very soon I was asleep.

The next month passed quick. Wake up, train, have lunch, train, sleep, repeat.

Then, one day I was told: "Tomorrow you will go on your mission. You are to be an anonymous shadow. Here is a phone, especially designed to hack into Tony Stark's AI, who is implanted with several alarms. You have a two day time frame. Your injections before the surgery were to give you the ability to stick to things, know about things before they hit you and have enhanced healing, durability and pain tolerance. Now, sleep."

A few hours later I was shaken out of my sleep by my trainer. Handing me a brown jacket, blue sweatpants and a grey hat and a bag full of money, clothes and necessary items, he showed me to a door, and said: "The Avengers tower is in that city. The rest of the information has been downloaded to your phone."

I walked to the edge of the city, about 3/4 of a kilometre away. Hailing a cab, I rode the way into the city centre.

A few minutes later, I paid the cabbie. I hauled my way out of the low cab, and stared at the tall towers looming over the mob of tourists. Several security guards protected the crowd from entering the Avengers Tower, which had the words 'Avengers Tower' obnoxiously glaring against the hot sun.

Innocuously walking around the back of the tower, I put my 'sticky abilities' to the test.

Jumping up, I willed my hand to stick to the sleek side of the tower, and it held. Smiling with grim determination, and pulling up my mesh half-mask over my face, I quickly jumped the rest of my body up. Repeating this several times, I got about 3 floors up, when a small vent cover caught my eye.

I crawled over to it, and was soon inside. Hearing a voice, I cautiously crawled towards it. There was a large opening in what seemed to be a corner. Sitting inside it was two of the Avengers. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton.

'Easy.' I thought. I hadn't taken I to consideration that I was dealing with two superspies. I silently pulled out my gun, and went to shoot Natasha Romanoff. Bad idea. She flipped over the couch, and wrestled the gun away from me.

Pointing it at me, she fired a shot. It sunk deep into my leg, and Natasha pulled out a different gun. It fired a dart, which injected a blue serum into my neck. My last memory is of her and Clint Barton staring at me, guns drawn.

Nats POV.

After briefly fighting the person, I shot them with the Night-Night gun. The person keeled over sideways, and appeared unconscious.

"Well that was unfortunate." I remarked to Clint.

"Yeah, I didn't even get to short an arrow."

"Well, let's get this person into a room." I said, starting to lug them out of Clint's nest and to the nearest vent hatch. It just so happened to lead straight to the main living room, where Tony and Pepper were watching the news.

As the person dropped out of the vent, their mask fell off. Tony turned around to see what made the sound.

Aaaaand I'll stop there. Third (maybe last) part tmrw night

As always, love reading your comments, love you all. 2020's almost over, we can do it!

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