Nat flips her sh*t

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Peter was not looking forward to after school. It was his Parent-Teacher meetings, and since May couldn't come, Nat and Tony were. The school knew about Peters close relationship with Tony Stark, and Nat was going to pretend to be Aunt May's cousin. May was in on the deal, as she and Nat got along well.

"Peter, can you answer question 4 please?" Questioned Miss English, the maths teacher.

"Uh, 57.7. Peter answered, quickly calculating the answer of 115.4 divided by two. 

"Correct. Now.."

The bell rang, and it was the end of the day. A few minutes later, Peter was being swept up in the rush of people, swarming to get out of school. After all, it was Friday.

Peter waited until the crowd thinned to almost no one, until he went to meet Nat and Tony.

"ребенок паук." Nat greeted, ruffling Peters hair.
"Pete." Tony smiled.
"Hey my favourite avengers. Don't tell Clint I said that though. He'll kill me." Peter joked.

"Oh don't worry, I'll tell him." Nat laughed.
"We better get going, your meeting starts soon." Tony said, already walking towards the front entrance. The few remaining people stopped at the sight of the Tony Stark, with Peter Parker walking behind him.

Tapping at his classroom door, Peter called out for Miss English, and she answered so the threesome walked in. Tony had come to Peter's last three PTIs, so the teacher was used to him.

"Mr Stark. Peter. And who are you?" The teacher asked, glancing to Nat.

"Oh, I'm May's cousin, Natalie Parker. Nice to meet you. Peter's told May so much about you." Nat greeted, in an impeccable English accent.

"Oh, thank you. Now, we are actually running a bit short on time, so Peter has been an excellent student, his grades are about 97%, which is an improvement from last terms overall score of 94%. He has reported a few accounts of bullying, but as far as I can tell, they have stopped. Any questions?"

Nat tensed at the mention of bullying.
"Yeah, who was he bullied by, exactly?" She asked casually, but Tony and Peter saw her hand slip down to her hidden thigh holster, which had a small gun hidden in it.

"I'm sorry Miss Parker, but we cannot give out the names of the other concerned party." Miss English said, shuffling her files. "Will that be all?"

"Yes. Thank you for your time." Tony said, abruptly standing up and placing a hand on each Peter and Nat'a shoulder, and gently steering them out. Sitting on the bench outside was Flash and his parents. Peter swore. This wasn't good.

"Ah, if it isn't Puny Parker. What, you found a doppelgänger for Tony Stark? Hah, you couldn't even hire-."

Flash didn't finish that sentence. He found himself on the ground, with an arm on his neck, and a still-hidden gun sticking into his thigh.

Peter saw Nat whisper something in Flash's ear, and the boy turned pale in fear. His parents barely looked up from their phones. Gulping, Flash nodded, and Nat stood up and walked out.

"Peter, who was that imbecile? And was he the one bullying you?" Tony asked, looking Peter straight in the eyes.

"How long for?" Tony asked, getting into his car.

Peter sighed. There was no sense in lying now.

"January last year."
"Full name?"
"Flash Thompson."

"Got him. Nat, you want me to drop you at their place? It's just up the road a bit." Tony asked, looking in the rear view mirror.

"Yes please. I've come prepared." Nat said, smiling at her preparedness.

"Nat, no killing, or maiming." Peter warned, placing a hand on her arm.

"I'm offended you think so little of me, ребенок паук."

"We're here. Text me when you're done. I'll send a car." Tony said, as Nat unbuckled her seatbelt and got out.

As Tony drove off, Nat melted into the shadows.

Soon enough, a fancy car pulled up, and three people got out. Two adults at a child. Flash and his parents.

Several minutes, a tree climb and a picked lock on a window later, Nat was crouching under the kids desk. Footsteps came up the stairs, and Flash appeared. Flopping down into his bed, Flash picked up his phone, and opened a game.

"Why are you bullying Peter Parker?" Nat said, straightening up out of the shadows.

"Wh.. how did you get in my room? Who are you?" Flash gibberish-ed.

"Oh, I'm your worst nightmare. Now, I'll ask one more time. Why. Are. You. Bullying. Peter. Parker?" Nat asked calmly.

"I.. I'm not." Flash lied, sitting up.

Nat sighed, and charged with her Widow Bites outstretched. Jumping onto the ridiculously big bed head, she bounced off the ceiling, and nailed the Flash kid in the shoulder. Not hard enough to leave a bruise, just enough to knock him out. She pulled the doona over his unconscious form, and slid the window open. She was soon crouched in the corner, behind the bins and garden shed. Grinning, she pulled out her phone, and texted Tony.

Hey, I'm done,
pick me up pls
                                                Omw now.

The next day, Peter walked into school, and Flash didn't approach him. Wondering why, Peter found Flash, looking feverishly around, while struggling to unlock his locker. When he noticed Peter, he said;
"I don't know how you did it Parker, but don't EVER send the Black Widow after me again."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Peter said, smiling on the inside.

Listening through the tiny microphone she had attached to Flash's shirt last night, Nat smiled. It was unlikely that Flash would bully Peter again. But, if he did, Nat would be more than happy to pay him another visit. Maybe with more backup this time.

968 words. @MBLshipper665, even tho you didn't reply, this is for you.

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