Adopted pt 1

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So, Peter is Spider-Man, he doesn't know Tony, and May is dying. Peter made the suit Tony gave to him in homecoming, complete with Karen. 727 words

Peter Parker stood helplessly next to his aunts bed in the hospital. Her heartbeat slowly started to decline.

"Your parents weren't who.... you thought they were. Your parents are T..T."

And then she died.
(A/N. That was anticlimactic.)

Peter howled, as May's hand slid from his, and lay, outstretched off the side of her narrow bed. She had had a heart attack two months ago, and the doctors discovered she had stage 4 bone marrow cancer. She was due for a surgery, but it kept getting pushed back. Until it was too late.

Three days later, Peter watched May's coffin be lowered into the ground. He wiped a tear away. She was only 31.

Two hours later, Peter stood in front of a small backpack, that contained everything he would take on the run from child protection services.

His laptop and charger, a few books, his phone, complete with charger and earphones, a thermos full of teabags, coffee sachets and water purification tablets, his wallet stashed in the middle of the three shirts, four pants and assorted underwear and toiletries. A first aid kit. Two tins of beans. A sleeping bag. And his suit. He would have to be Spider-Man almost all the time now, only taking a break when he was working for Mr Delmar.

A knock at the door.

"Mr Parker? It's Joanne, from the QCPS."

The Queens Child Protection Services had sent someone earlier than Peter had assumed.

Hurriedly, Peter slipped on his suit, hauled his backpack on over the top, and eased the window open. Dropping out, onto the fire escape, Peter swung off into the falling mist, unaware of the danger he was about to be in.

Landing in an alleyway, Peter unrolled the sleeping bag, and laid down to sleep, his bag a comforting presence next to his knees. He was asleep as soon as he zipped the bag over his head.

The next morning, Peter unzipped the bag, rolled it up neatly, pulled his suit on, secured his backpack on his shoulders, and attached a web to the top of the building.

Four hours later, Peter was checking his phone while riding on top of a train. Iron Man flew overhead, so Peter, being Peter, attached a web to Iron Man's foot, and flew along.

Soon enough, Tony Stark landed. He turned around, expecting to see the Spiderling. Spider-Person. Whatever they called themselves. But they were gone.

Snickering in the bush behind the confused look on Iron Man's de-faceplated face, Peter sat with a huge grin on his face. This was freaking hilarious.

Tony Stark angrily pushed his faceplate down, and scanned for heat signatures. But Peter had already dove into the nearby river, leaving his bag dangling from a nearby tree.

Returning to the alley where he slept last night, Peter unrolled his sleeping bag. Not even taking off his suit, he fell fast asleep.

Tony Stark was furiously searching YouTube for any recent videos of Spider-Man. There were heaps, but one location stood out in particular. Over 200 videos were filmed in the same place.

The person behind the shaky footage focused on the Spiderling, who leapt from rooftop to rooftop to fire escape, and disappeared down the dank alleyway.

"FRI, run a search on this alley, where is it?" Tony asked, sliding the holographic video up higher.

"It's the alley on the corner of 103rd and 196th streets sir." FRIDAY stated, pulling up a map.

"Alright, take me there my lady." Tony said, pushing the button on his watch, summoning the new Iron Man suit.

Mark VII sped towards him, and bracing himself as the pieces slammed into him.

Ten minutes later, he was flying, almost at the alleyway where he thought Spider-Man lived.

Scanning for any heat signatures, Tony was about to give up, when his scanner beeped, and a vaguely human shape showed up on his view screen.

Gently hovering forward, careful not to make a sound, Tony used the laser like precision of the new suit, he unzipped the raggedy sleeping bag, to reveal a sleeping Spiderling, without his mask.

Update tomorrow. It'll be really long

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