After WandaVision

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WandaVision and FATWS episode 1 spoilers.
Me, after listening to the WandaVision theme (and Agatha All Along) too much: Oh, let's write something!

My brain: you are now unable to spell the word WandaVision without going wnadadvsion.

Mainly Wandas POV, this is messy.

Falling to her knees, Wanda clutched the sheet of paper, that could have hit reset on her life. 'But no.' Wanda thought bitterly. 'I could never have a normal life.'

Slowly getting up, she unsteadily walked over to her car, Wanda leant against the reassuringly solid surface. Pulling on the handle, it didn't move. Pulling harder, Wanda sank to the ground in despair again. Her world was hopeless. Husband dead, world shattered, family dead. Agatha had slipped inside her mind, invading the only safe place she had.

Hesitant, she used her magic to open up the door. The glass shattered, as the door flung open.  Brushing the glass off the seat and floor, Wanda got in, and closed what was left of the door. Starting the car, she drove to the only place she could think of.

Entering the vast openness of the Avengers Compound, she parked her car, and stepped out into the deserted chill of the air. Shivering slightly, Wanda walked straight up to the main entry door. A lone security camer swivelled her way.

"Please state your name and purpose." A tinny voice said.

"Wanda Maximoff, here to find someone."

The camera seemed to consider her for a moment, before the doors shuddered open.

Stepping inside, Wanda looked around, but it was obvious that nobody had been here for a long time. Dust covered the long table along the wall, and the only footsteps there were hers.

Turning around, she walked back to her car, and turned on the radio.

"And today, just an hour ago, Sam Wilson, the Falcon, gave the famous Captain America shield to the NYC Museum! More details at 6."

Restarting her car, and just letting it idle, Wanda pulled out her phone. Mildly shocked to see the date, which was 26th June. When she first saw the block Vision envisioned for them, it was the 18th May. Dismissing that, she opened her phone, glad that the Touch ID still worked. Checking the newsfeed, she searched idly for a few minutes, before searching her own name. A link to a YouTube video came up, posted by some random person.

It was security footage, of her storming into SWORD headquarters, breaking the glass and running off with Visions body.

"What?" Wanda muttered incredulously. She hadn't done that. Ok, maybe she'd gone into SWORD, and broken a window, but she hadn't stolen Vision!

Angrily throwing her phone down on the seat beside her, Wanda took off, driving in silence.

As night fell, she went to turn on her headlights, but they wouldn't come on.

Starting to cry, Wanda pulled over. She sat there, heater blowing on full until a cop car pulled up behind her.

"Miss, are you Ok?" The officer asked, coming up to Wanda's shattered window, only to see the redhead slumped over her steering wheel, surrounded by a aura of broken glass, shimmering in the moonlight. "Miss? I'm going to have to ask you for your licence."

Looking up, Wanda realised she didn't even know where her wallet was. The police officer recognised her immediately.

"Oh my god, you're an Avenger. Do you need help?"

"That would be great, thank you." Wanda said, sitting up.

"Are you OK to drive?" The police officer said, looking around.

"Yea. I should be ok."

"Ok. Follow me back to the station, we'll get you fixed up."

Wanda followed the Police car back to the station. She was led inside by the nice cop, who gave her a cup of coffee.

"Miss Maximoff? Do you have anyone to come pick you up?"

I'll finish this soon

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