The Avengers meet the Batfamily

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Avengers: Tony, Nat, Clint, Steve and Sam.

Batfam ages: Dick- 23, Jason-21, Tim-18, Stephanie- 18, Barbara- 18, Damian-12.

"I'm bored." Tony said. Those two simple words would make the Avengers meet a whole lot of weird people.

"Well, what can we do?" Natasha asked, from stretching over near the TV.

"Let's go to another country we haven't been to before." Clint suggested, from his perch on the trapeze that had been installed for him.

"Well we've been to Australia, and between us we've been basically everywhere else." Steve pondered.

"Oh, let's go to the next place outside of NYC that comes up on the news!" Sam said, eagerly turning up the TV.

"And the crime rates in Gotham City are at an all-time low, which is still higher than NYC's average. The masked Batman that patrols Gotham has been more active than usual, controlling crime. And over to Stan for the weather." Said the brunette news woman.

"Well, let's go to Gotham." Clint grinned


Landing in overcast Gotham, Tony led the Avengers out of his private jet.

"I've arranged for a friend of mine to meet up with us. There he is." Tony said, stepping down the stairs. "Hey Bruce!"

"Good to see you Tony." The tired looking man said, walking towards the Avengers. "You must be the famed Avengers! Nice to meet you, I'm Bruce Wayne.These are my kids, Dick, Tim, Barbara, Stephanie and Damian. I adopted all except Dami. Babs is my friend's daughter. "

The Avengers chorused various greetings, and Bruce's family did the same.

"You guys are staying with us! It's not a big drive, just a couple of minutes. Alfred, our butler, is waiting in the car." The eldest son, Dick (what an unfortunate name), stepped forward while talking to the Avengers.

The car ride was slightly awkward, as nobody talked. As they arrived in the sweeping driveway of Wayne Manor, the occupants of the car itched to get out.

Gasping slightly at the sheer beauty of the gardens, the Avengers got out of the car. Bruce led them into the vast doors, and showed them to their rooms. Not one of the Avengers noticed the disappearance of the five children.

Ten minutes later, the group gathered in one of the living rooms, where the five kids and Bruce were sitting on the couch, calmly watching the TV.

"Dinner is at six o'clock, you are expected to be there presently." The youngest, Damian, said without turning around. Dismissing all thought of how he could hear them enter, the Avengers sat on the couch and watched the news with the family.

The clock chimed half past five, and one by one the Wayne family left the room, until it was just Bruce and the Avengers.

"You guys should go wash up, Alfred eats with us, he's family." Bruce absently informed them.

Wandering off, the Avengers pondered this weird family. Lots of adopted kids, one blood son, no mother figure.

(Seating: this is important.
           Nat.                     Alfred
            Clint.                    Barbara
            Sam.                     Steph
             Steve.                   Tim
               Damian         Bruce)

As the clock chimed six, the people in the house all went to the dinner room. Alfred was serving eleven plates. "Master Dick will not be joining us this evening, as he is on duty in Blüdhaven Police Station."

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