On the run 2

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Wanda ran away from the disasters she accidentally caused by letting a bomb go off too early. She ran to her friend Eliza's house, and was currently being bought back to the Avengers Tower.
Vision, Tony, Steve, Clint and Bruce are there.

"Wanda! It is a great pleasure to see you alive and well." Said Vision, who walked over to greet the trio.

"Hey Vis." Wanda greeted softly. She was a danger here. To everyone. Even one slip up could result in a group of dead Avengers. Her only family, after Pietro and her parents died.

Everyone was crowding around Wanda, and sensing her discomfort, Vision announced something that shocked everyone.
"Secretary Ross is on his way up to discuss the Sokovia Accords."

Y not cursed.
"Damn it Stark, why is he coming?" Asked Steve loudly.

"Oh, blasted if I know Rogers! He's not even supposed to be off the RAFT!"

"Who is secretary Ross?" Asked Clint, and Wanda hummed in agreement.

"He's an official from SHIELD. Big ass important, and in charge of the RAFT, which is for super bad ass baddies. Loki was gonna be put in there, if Thor hadn't taken him." Bruce explained.

Y not and Steve glared at each other, a heavy tension in the room.

"Secretary Ross would like everyone in the 31st meeting room please Boss." FRIDAY, the AI of the tower announced.

Y not harrumphed, and stalked off, leaving the other Avengers to follow.

Sorry this is short, I'll update tomorrow

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