Assasin Birb is sick. Also, vents

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"Sorry, I have a clingy and feverish assassin on my lap. I'll call you back when I've convinced him that a cold doesn't mean he's dying" Nat said quietly, careful not to wake Clint from his restless semi-daze.

"Nat? Who was that?" The assassin in question said, trying to sit up.

"Fury. Clint, you're overreacting. You've got a cold." Natasha sighed. Clint stiffly sat up, and covered himself with the blanket.

"Yeah, but I'm so coooold." Clint whined, trying to steal the remote from Nat. She snatched it away, and said "Nah ah! If you're sick, you need to rest! That means sleep Clint. Or Steve won't make you those cookies that I know you have a stash of in your vent house."

Nat got up to go train, and as soon as she was gone, Clint grabbed the blanket, a container of biscuits he had hidden down the side of the couch, and stood on the back of the couch.

Reaching up to pull down the vent guard, Clint heaved himself up into them, and started crawling towards the centre of the building, where his 'nest' was.

A few minutes later, Clint was perched comfortably in his nest, surrounded by pillows and blankets, with a small speaker buried somewhere in the shelves that lined the alcove. )Like this, but in a vent.


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A few hours later, Nat walked back into the lounge room, expecting Clint to either be on the couch watching a movie or asleep. Instead, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey FRIDAY, is Clint in his nest?" Nat asked wearily.

"Yes, my sensors placed him in the vents going in that direction 2 1/2 hours ago Miss Romanoff." FRIDAY said, the vent guard opening as talked.

"Thanks FRI. And call me Nat please. Miss Romanoff sounds too formal."

"Noted, Nat."

Smiling, Nat climbed into the vents, and headed in the direction of Clint's nest.

A few minutes later, she found a certain assassin bird, fast asleep with a song playing quietly somewhere. Chuckling under her breath, Nat backed up and found her way to her room, where she dropped out of the vents, and landed on her bed.

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