
2K 53 20

Feels warning.
Also lots of death. 999 words

Hi I'm Peter Parker, and I'm dead.

Now, I know you've gonna be all like 'Oh Peter, nuuuu my bb!'

But my death was my fault, and now I'm stuck in between. Let me put this in perspective.
You know the gap inside a wall, between the outside and inside? Yeah, I'm in that gap. My family, the Avengers, are destined to die not too long after me, so I am waiting. But nobody's told me how long I'll be waiting for.
Now, onto how I died.

I was fighting crime in a city one night, and I looked at the time. 4AM. 'Oh shoot,' I thought. 'I'm late.'

See, my curfew is midnight, and I knew my Dad, Tony Stark, was gonna be pretty mad at me. I webbed my way towards the Avengers Tower, praying that Dad had gone to bed early.
No such luck.

They were sitting in the living room. Aunt Nat, Uncle Clint, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky, even my sort-of-siblings, Wanda, and Pietro.

I swung in the living room window, and tried to sneak off into my room, when Aunt Nat noticed me, and just as she opened her mouth, an alarm blared.
Weeee-oop, weeeee-oop

That alarm only came on when there was an Avengers level threat.
Everyone rushed off to suit up, Dad shouting over his shoulder at me; "We'll talk later Underoos!"

There was no later.

I hacked into their comms system, and heard lots of yelling. It seemed to be an army invading NY. Not just an army. An alien army.
I rushed down to Dads lab, and picked up a few extra capsules of webbing. Then, I ran to the window, and kept out into the night.

"Karen, hack their comms and trace please." I asked my AI.

"Sure, Peter. They are in Central Park." She responded, bringing up a map with the quickest route highlighted in bright red.

The constant stream of help requests issued from the comms line.
Help was sorely needed.

I webbed my way to Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky's location, and they seemed to be holding up pretty well, they obviously had each other's backs.

I swung over to Uncle Bruce and Uncle Thor, and Uncle Bruce was trying to Hulk out. He was halfway when I left. Uncle Thor was using Mjölnir to snack the aliens away.

I saw Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint shooting the aliens, and they were doing pretty well.

I saw Uncle Loki flinging his daggers, taking down four or five aliens at a time.

Then I saw Dad.
He was blasting aliens, left right and centre. One saw an opening, and took it, dislodging a piece of red armour.
Then another alien took a shot.

I'm still not entirely sure of what happened next, but I think Inswung and took the laser beam. Right to the chest. And Dad didn't notice, until the fight was over.
By that time, I had almost died.

"Hey FRI, is Peter safe?" Dad asked, as I dwindled for the last time.

"Peter is not currently in the compound." Came the AI's voice.

"Well, where is he?" Dad asked as I passed.

My spirit drifted over to him, and watched the colour drain from his face as he heard the answer.

"10 feet away, at your 3 O'Clock."

Dad gasped, and hurried over to my body.

"F..FRI, read vitals." He stuttered.

"No heartbeat detected."

Dad screamed, before gasping in a hitched breath.

"Tony, what's wrong?" Aunt Nat asked over the comms.

Dad didn't answer, just signalled for FRIDAY, Dads AI, to send out his location.

"En route to your location." Uncle Steve said.

When they got there, Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint ran over to Dad, and were about to ask what's wrong, when they caught a glimpse of the stained and torn pieces of my suit.

"No..." Aunt Nat whispered.

Five minutes later, the other avengers were there.

Ten minutes later, Dad cradled my broken body in his arms on the way to the tower.

Twenty minutes later, my body was being laid on the couch, covered in a blanket.

Forty minutes later, the Avengers were all sitting on couches, nobody talking.

An hour later, Dad and Wanda were deep in discussion, trying to bring me back.

Two hours later, everyone was asleep in the living room.

One day later, my Dad called a funeral parlour, to arrange a private funeral.

Two days later, Dad held a press conference, releasing my identity to the world.

"Two days ago, in the second battle for New York, an Avenger was struck in the heart and killed. That Avenger, you all know and love was Spider-Man. My son. Peter Stark. No questions."

A month later, everyone was still in mourning, for the fallen Spider.

A year later, Morgan Peter Stark was born, of Pepper and Tony Stark.

Two years later, Pepper Stark died in a hit and run. I had a companion, after two years of solitude.

Four years later, Aunt Nat died in an explosion, saving three young kids.

Six years later, Uncle Clint sacrificed himself to contain an explosion.

Seven years later, Uncle Bruce couldn't Hulk out in time to save himself.

Twelve years later, Bucky was shot eleven times through the heart, protecting Pietro and Wanda.

Thirteen years later, Steve was taken down in a HYDRA raid.

Fifteen years later, Tony Stark passed away protecting his daughter, Morgan Peter Stark from robbers.

Eighteen years later, Wanda sacrificed herself for her brother.

Nineteen years later, Pietro was killed in a horror crash.

And finally, their family got to see their daughter, niece, sister, best friend, their last remaining link to the world, grow up, inherit Stark Industries, become Iron Woman, and go out with a boom.

At age 49, Morgan Peter Stark sacrificed herself to save the entire continent of America from the biggest Nuclear Bomb in history.

Her family watched as she rocketed upwards, taking the bomb that would wipe out over half of the population of the world, up into space.
Another member joined the family.

They could all rest.

Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora