Phone Call

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Tony went on a mission. It was supposed to be quick, easy, barely a day. Infiltrate a small HYDRA base, grab the files, get out. Easy enough. Haha, yeah that didn't work. It stared ok.

"We're here Boss." FRIDAY announced over the loudspeaker in the QuinnJet.

"Thank you my girl." Tony said, signalling for his faceplate in the Iron Man armour to slide down. The back door opened, and Tony engaged his thrusters. He landed half a kilometre out of sight of the underground base, and crept towards it.

Getting in was no hassle, the people there ran away from the glowing Iron Man eyes, and the files were already uploaded to a key ring with 16 USBs hanging off it.

"Pirate, I've got the info. Downloading it now." Tony said, to the comms. Fury replied with an affirmative.

That's when things went downhill.

Two heavily armed people sprinted into the room, and started shooting at Tony. The suit deflected the bullets effortlessly, and they ricocheted everywhere. Until another person joined the group.

They had a huge gun, and quickly started setting it up. When it started shooting, Tony barely took notice. Until one bullet not only pierced the Iron Man suit, but also hit Tony. Gasping, he turned around, only to be hit with another barrage of bullets, them scoring a hit.

Finishing the upload to S.H.I.E.L.D's database, Tony turned to fire a repulsor blast at the opposition. Three bullets pierced the armour, and Tony fell to the floor. The last thing he saw for a while was all three gunners shooting at the spindly support beams that were the only things stopping approximately 3 tons of dirt and rocks crushing the room. And it's inhabitants.

Tony awoke to FRIDAY's voice urging him to wake up.

"Boss, you can't get out. All repulsors down. There is not enough oxygen to survive more than 18 minutes." She warned.

"Cal-call Peter." Tony ordered, wincing at the gunshot wounds to his stomach.

"Calling Peter Parker."

"Hey Mr Stark. What's up? I thought you were on mission."

"Yeah. Yeah not much is happening and I'm bored. How's your day been?"

"It's ok, I had maths first up, that was boring, then science, that was ok, and then I had Robotics! I'm making an AI for my suit! I've already laid down the basics, her name is Karen, and she can already do heaps of stuff! I'm really proud. How's your day so far?"

"How's my day? Well the missions gone average so far, Clint made breakfast, almost burnt down the kitchen, twice. Thank god we have two kitchens on that floor. Na-Nat almost found your secret stash of chocolates." Tony said, the bullets twinging as the talked. He knew he only had a few minutes left.

Peter kept talking, until Tony expired.

"Peter, I advise you to walk to the front of the school. Happy is waiting there with a car." FRIDAY said, over the phone call. Frowning, Peter did as instructed.

If possible, Happy was looking even less happy then normal.

"Pete, we need to get back to the tower. Tony...Tony just died."

"WHAT! I was just talking to him!"

"Peter, he called you because he was dying. The Iron Man armour was shot at, something got in, shot Tony and the underground base collapsed."

Peter sat in shock.

Aaaaand end.

Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora