Civil War pt 3

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The next day

At the team bonding session, Tony and Spider-Man stood awkwardly in the doorway, as the rouge Avengers stared daggers at them.

"Tony" Cap greeted cooly.


Then, dramatic as ever, Nick Fury abseiled down from the roof. Nobody batted an eye.


"Pirate." Tony said, watching a movie on his glasses, sharing an earbud with Peter, and sharing the movie in Peter's mini-screens in front of his eyes. 

"Stark! Pay attention! Now, if you would oblige, who is your little friend?" Fury shouted, and startled Peter and Tony.

"Oh, this is Spider-Man. He prefers to keep his identity secret." Tony grumbled, and Fury snatched his glasses, and put them on the bench.

"Now, you are going to do team bonding. First up is Laser Tag. The teams are: Cap, Tony, Nat. On the other side, there is Wanda, Clint and Spidey." Fury announced, getting dramatically pulled back up, to, and then through the roof.

This was going to end well.

At LaserFun they suited up, in red (Cap, Tony, Nat) Blue (Wanda, Clint, Spidey).

Then the game started. Red team ran off, and hid behind the fake walls. Blue team snuck around behind them, but Steve tripped Tony, and they started arguing. Loudly.

In the end, they both went out, soon followed by the rest of the team. Four rounds later, Team Red had won all the games.

By then it was almost time to go home, and Steve and Tony weren't talking.

Until they kissed.

Bucky and Spidey stared. Then Bucky reached out and covered Spidey's eyes, even thouch they don't know that he's a kid.

Aaand, done.

OK, there's probably not going to be any more parts of this, so bye, until tonight.

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