Clint Barton

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MJ and Ned were waiting in class for Peter. Class was about to start, and he was usually here by now. Five minutes later Peter rushed in through the doorway, just as the teacher called out his name.

"Here, miss!" Peter panted, as he slid into his seat. There was blood on his face, and a bullet wound on his shoulder.

"Hey sorry I'm late, what did I miss?"

"Peter, Nat will kill you for getting shot again!" MJ whispered.

"Oh, yeah, can you please hand me those tweezers? Thanks."

Ned handed the tweezers to him. Peter began extracting the bullet from his shoulder, only wincing once or twice. The teacher stalked up to them, and stopped in horror when she realised what Peter was doing.

"Mr Parker! What on earth are you doing?"

Peter looked up alarmed, and dropped the tweezers. He bent down to get them, but the teacher shoved a nurses pass, and told him to go to sickbay, but a whizzing sound drowned out her words.

Everyone except Ned, MJ and Peter ran over to the window, then abruptly ran back. A half second passed, and a figure crashed through the wall next the the window.

"Ouch. Oh! Um hi." The figure said awkwardly.

"Are you Hawkeye?" A girl asked.

"Umm, yeah I am. I'm here to pick up Peter."
Hawkeye said.

Peter stood up, and grabbed his bag, ignoring the nagging pain on his shot shoulder. Clint went to jump back out the window, but Peter gestured towards the door. Clint took a hint, and walked out the door with him.

Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora