Loki's Son

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Peter Parker was... different. In this universe at least.

The not-so-anonymous son of Loki, Crisis, that had been causing mischief all around New York, but not making any attempt to hide his identity. He went to school in his suit, and everyone was in awe. He was a teachers nightmare.

"Ok everyone, put your phones in the basket please!" Called out Mrs McMillian, the science teacher.

If there was one subject that Peter loved, it was this one. He knew exactly what chemicals to mix to maximise explosion. As a full paying student, the poorly funded school couldn't kick him out. Besides, he wasn't a bully, just abused his power.

While the teacher marked the roll, a Peter lazily flicked his wrist, and his phone was engulfed in bronze-blue mist. That was what his power looked like. The teacher turned and wrote something on the board, as Peter called his phone over to him, and sent a their phones over to Ned and MJ, who were sitting on the other sides of the room.

"Mr Parker!" The teacher warned, without turning. Peter sighed.

A few hours later, at lunch, people started screaming and pointing towards the southern side of the school.

"It's Thor! And the Avengers! Ohmigod!" One boy screamed.

"What's up with you losers? Haven't you seen the Avengers before?" Asked MJ, turning back to her book.

Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, and Sam Wilson landed at the front of the school and walked into the front office.

The rest of the Avengers were on a mission.
Peter swore. Loki strode into the office, as the avengers were arguing with the receptionist, a grumpy old man.

"Hey, we're here to pick up a Peter Parker." Tony Stark drawled.

"Any of you his legal guardian?" Asked the receptionist, Bob.

"Well, technically I'm his father, but I've never met him." Conceded Loki.

"Sorry, only legal guardians allowed. Now, if you don't vacate the premise immediately, I will call security."

"Aww, c'mon, we're Avengers!" Clint argued.

Grumbling, the Avengers turned away, and got back in the QuinJet. They took off, and waited for a few more hours. Crisis would be causing mischief after school.

After 3:00, the news reports were talking about Crisis's newest prank.

He had set a spring powered lever, which catapulted pedestrians into the air, and he caught them safely in his magic. Laughing his head off the whole time, obviously.

Steve went in first, aiming to talk.
He was catapulted into the air.

Then in went Thor.
He was catapulted into the air.

Then went Hulk.
He hit a duck.

Then went Tony. He actually talked to Peter, before his jets mysteriously failing, and he crashed into a hammock that was on top of a passing car, because plot convenience.

Loki went last. Neither Peter or Loki revealed what happened up there, but there was an awesome battle, which the author is too lazy to write.

From then on, Crisis was an Avenger.

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