Fun eral

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You should have seen it by now tho...

All of the Avengers, except the ones who died in what the media had dubbed the 'Infinity War' were gathered in a beautiful old church.

There was an old stand in front of the pews, which were only filled with a few people. Pepper and Morgan, Peter and May, Clint and Laura, Bucky, Rhodey and Sam. The Avengers and their families.

They were burying Nat and Tony's coffins, as they had never retrieved their bodies. The Avengers had lost two of their most important members.

Clint was standing up the front. Several times he tried to say a few words, but eventually only came out with these: "Nat was my best friend, who was always there for me, even when I was brainwashed, she brought me back. She sacrificed herself so we could save the world. I just miss her so much." Before he started sobbing.

The church door opened, and then closed again. Clint shakily continued. "Tony was...stubborn." Clint inhaled shakily. "He was brutally honest, but so imaginative and always had a way to lighten the mood. Nat, she would encourage his ideas, and with their combined genius, they saved the world. There wasn't a time when they weren't there for us. Nat...she.... she's right there!"

Everyone turned, to see a familiar redhead sitting in the back row.

"Miss me?" She asked, before she was enveloped in a giant group hug from everyone in the church. Cooper, Lila, Nate and Morgan all ran to her screaming "Aunty Nat! Aunty Nat!"

Clint ran along with them, closely followed by Pepper, Peter, May, Laura, Bucky, Rhodey and Sam, Everyone piled on her, for the most relieved group hug ever.

"Oh, all the love for Nat, what about me?"

Morgan squealed and ran to the figure silhouetted dramatically against the door. Morgan pulled Tony into the group hug, and everyone started crying again.

"Nat, when you said you wanted to crash your own funeral, I didn't think I would get squished this much." Tony squeaked.

"Don't ever do that again Tony Stark." Pepper said sternly. Tony laughed. All was well.
Except one thing.

Sad ending
Pepper smiled, and opened her eyes. Then the reality hit her. Tony was dead. Nat was dead. She was alone.

Happy ending because I'm nice.
After the funeral turned group hug, Thor went back to New Asgard. Valkyrie was Queen now, but he was always welcome.
"Welcome back Lord of Thunder." Said Valkyrie teasingly.

"Your highness." Replied Thor, laughing.

"There's someone here to see you." Valkyrie said, pointing to Thor's house.

He frowned. Korg and Miek were both with the guardians of the galaxy, and the rest of his family was dead.

Thor pushed open his door, to see a familiar outline on the couch.

"Hello Brother."

Peter Parker and the Avengers one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant