"H-" I stop to clear my throat. "Hello?"

"I just got done with Yeri."

"How did it go?"

"It was good. We went shopping, then to a little diner and had milkshakes and talked about people she's met. She asked about what college was like and we talked about things we like to do in the city, our favorite foods, our likes and dislikes and-"

"Did she talk about Kook?"

"Not really and I wasn't going to bring him up. It has to be her that does it."

"Okay. Are you on your way?"

"On my way where?"

"Here. To my place."

"No, I'd prefer we meet at the company, if we have to meet at all, until this mission is done."

"What? Why?"

"Because they can't see me going to your building quite so often. I'm not very close friends with Koo, remember? I also just recently found out he works for you. I shouldn't go there at all after I see Yeri. They will think that I'm going to report back to you what's been said. It will raise suspicion. God, have none of you ever done anything like this before?" He whines, sounding annoyed.

"You mean gained the trust of an unsuspecting teenage girl so I can get information on the malicious plans of her clinically insane friend? No."

"What a boring life you have Min Yoongi."

"Watch it Taehyung." I state sternly. "I guess just call when you can and we'll see you at the company later. When do you see her next?"

"Yeah, sounds good. We are going to get together Monday after classes so I'll let you know how it goes then. I've got to go but try to have some fun will you. An uninteresting life is bad for your skin."

I hang up the phone and turn to Kook with a confused look on my face.

"I'd be very interested to meet whoever raised Taehyung."

"You'd like them, but you'd also be disappointed. There's no characteristics that Tae has that derive from his parents. Even they don't know where he came from." He says with a chuckle.

"What about your parents Kook? We haven't really talked about them before."

"Well... I mean I have told you about my mother. She loves me more than I think any sane parent would. It took quite a bit of convincing to get her to let me come to Seoul for school. She's very protective and can be paranoid."

"Yes, I do know about her, but what about your father?"

"My dad passed away in an accident shortly after my parents moved to Busan. It's been just my mother and I for as long as I can remember. Or, I guess when I was younger there was a man that would come visit sometimes. My mother said he was my Grandfather."

I watch as his face lights up as if remembering something he'd forgotten.

"I remember he came to visit me for my sixth birthday and gifted me a Gold Dragon Battling Top. I was so excited! It was the only thing I wanted for my birthday and he got it for me. He made it the best day."

His smile lessens as he says, "He stopped visiting after that and I haven't seen or heard from him since. My mother would tell me stories about my father and his brother, my uncle, but I've never met him... And I don't know my mother's side of the family at all. I don't think I've ever met any of them besides her father. My Grandfather."

I frown as my heart aches for him. I can't imagine not having

"That would be hard to grow up without a father figure."

He nodded slowly.

"That's one of the reasons why I latched onto Namjoon. I'm sure he told you how I wanted nothing to do with him when he first came. My mother was so excited for me to have an older boy come and stay with us. She wanted us to be friends so badly, but I didn't want a friend.

"I didn't think I needed one. I had Tae and Jimin. I couldn't fathom what this random teenager was going to do for me. What he would offer as far as companionship, friendship, that I wasn't already getting from Jimin and Tae. I was shocked, still am, that I ended up needing him more than I had ever imagined."

He begins nibbling on his lip after speaking, brows furrowed and I recognize it as the expression he dons when he's thinking, organizing, what he wants to say.

"I met Namjoon right as I was starting to realize I was- different," he continues. "I had always noticed it but something happened during the previous school year that really stuck with me.

"One day in class there was a group of boys that were making a list ranking all the girls in our class. I found myself absentmindedly making my own list, but mine was about those boys.

"I was really freaked out and didn't understand why I would do that. I didn't even mean to, I just heard them talking about what girl had the best hair, was the best looking or had the best smile and I would look around the group and apply their categories to them.

"I didn't tell anyone about it. I just pushed it away and tried to move on. I kept the memory out of my mind easily enough, until summer came. And I met Jin..."

We are on the couch now and Kook is laying his head on my lap as I rake my fingers through his hair and rub his back.

As his voice trails off and he gets quiet I start to feel guilty for asking about his parents and it leading to Jin and Namjoon.

I know they are hard for him to talk about. Namjoon maybe not so much now, but Jin for sure.

"Kook, you don't have to talk about that. I didn't mean to get you talking about anything that would make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

"I haven't talked to anyone about it. Not even Namjoon. Not fully, but I need to talk about it."

He then sits up straight and turns so that he's facing me. "I need to talk to them."

I don't understand, does he mean them?


"Namjoon and Jin."

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