Pop Princess

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Jungkook's POV-

What a miserable day. I didn't think I drank that much last night, but the hangover I have today would disprove that.

My classes seemed to drag on and we ended up not ending the last class early like we did on the previous days. The classes weren't the worst thing to endure through today though. The bus takes that prize.

The morning was fine, there weren't as many people so it was rather quiet. The ride home though was a totally different story.

A group of what looked to be middle schoolers laughing much too loudly at a story one of their friends is telling them, a man talking loudly on a phone call, and a toddler that was upset and could not be consoled. It was chaotic and every sound seemed to be amplified.

A few hours after I had been at the apartment wallowing in my miserable state the movers showed up and got the last of the boxes and other things brought in.

Ironically, one of them being a mini bar cabinet.

My mother had texted me to check in and we had a conversation for a little bit until she had to get ready for work.

She still seems to be doing well. She said that she and Jiwon have started going to a book club that one of Jiwon's friends does and she has been enjoying it.

She says they mostly just sit around and drink wine and gossip about the neighbors, which is exactly what I had pictured a book club to be.

I haven't seen or heard from Yoongi all day. I wonder how he is, how work is going, and if I did anything to upset him last night.

Something I can't remember because I can't remember much to be honest.

I know he played me a song on the piano and that he made me drink like four bottles of water.

And I faintly remember seeing him walk out of my room while I was laying down in my bed so he must have helped me in there but I don't remember many details beyond those things.

I lounged around the apartment for the rest of the day, not having the energy to go workout and feeling bad that I have missed two days in a row now.

I hope Yeri hasn't been waiting for me. We should have exchanged numbers to coordinate times.

I'm sprawled out on my bed with a damp cloth over my forehead to try to dull out some of this aching in my head that pain killers are not seeming to help with at all.

The evening came slowly and ended up drifting off rather early.


I woke up with a sore, dry throat in desperate need of some water. I walk out of my room and as I step into the hallway I'm shocked when I see light. Sunlight. How long did I sleep for?!

I make my way over to the living room and peak around to see if there was anyone there but it was empty.

As I go further into the room with the intention of walking to the window to look out at the busying city, I am deterred from the plan as I hear music coming from the studio.

I tiptoe to the door and put my ear to it to try and hear the beat better. I hear not only a melody, a beautiful melody, but also singing. I don't recognize it though.

I don't think it's one of the songs I had heard when I was going through YouTube the other night. At least I don't think it is as I have to really strain my ears to hear anything.

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