Doe Eyes and Pout

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Jungkook's POV-

My last thoughts before I lose consciousness are muddled with haze and confusion as I slip under the water's surface.

This isn't how my life is supposed to end.

I came to Seoul to have a new beginning. To overcome my fears and let go of my pain.

To fully embrace who I am, enjoying life with Tae and Jimin along with everyone else I've come to befriend and love.

Love... My love.

My heart clenches as memories of us flash through my mind.

He's going to think I broke my promise.

He's going to think he was right to not believe me. That he was right to have doubts. That another person left him alone.

I hope he knows I didn't mean to leave. That I didn't plan for this. That I love him with every ounce of my being.

I pray somehow he finds the truth.

This isn't how my life is supposed to end...

*Three Months Earlier*

"I'm coming down right now!" I call loudly enough to reach where I am certain my mother is stood at the bottom of the stairs.

I bend down to pick up the last of my things that have been stuffed in my large duffel bag.

It turns out to be much heavier than it looks, causing me to groan as I heave the strap over my shoulder.

When I am able to stand up straight I take one last look around the room, checking to see if I missed anything of importance.

I take in a sharp breath as my eyes land on the mostly empty closet as well as the top of my wooden desk that hasn't been cleared of clutter for years.

I really am going to miss this place.

I was born and raised here in Busan, in this house. This is the only home I've ever known.

It's strange to think that tomorrow I'm not going to be waking up here in my bed. That instead I'll be somewhere hours away that is completely foreign to me.

Every time I think about it my heart rate picks up. I'd never admit it out loud, but I'm honestly quite terrified to be moving away for school.

I had the option to stay in Busan but despite my mother's initial reluctance to the idea, I convinced her to let me apply to the University in Seoul.

My acceptance was a long shot, but I wanted to take a chance and at least apply. It was a shock to both of us when the letter came, informing me of my acceptance.

I was able to work for the scholarships I wanted and did numerous odd jobs in order to save the money to pay for my dorm up front plus extra to set aside to tie me over until I can get a part-time job.

I wonder how long it will take me to find a job. If it does take too long, will I be able to stretch my savings until I do find something?

I really should have lined something up before I moved. Why didn't I do that. What was I thinking?!

I've never even stayed out of town for more than a week. Now I'm going to move to a city hours away to live in for months? Maybe even years?

Fuck, maybe I'm not ready for this...

As my mind starts to work faster and faster, filling with doubts and questions, I'm pulled out of my spiraling when I hear the yelling from downstairs again.

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